Take the Black: House of the Dragon extras explode, Patrick Rothfuss releases new book

Image: HBO/YouTube, House of the Dragon
Image: HBO/YouTube, House of the Dragon /

Today on our show, we talk about some crispy-fried extras on the set of House of the Dragon, diagnose the problem with the MCU, and more.

Welcome to Take the Black, the internet chat show where technical difficulties just remind us that we’re alive. This week, we take a look at some juicy shots from behind the scenes of House of the Dragon season 2, discuss a new book from author Patrick Rothfuss (who we interviewed, by the way, no biggee), and talk about the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Is it over? Answers below:

Beyond that, we’re watching and reading rather a lot, including Beacon 23Blue Eye SamuraiInvincible and The Gilded Age, all of which we touch on before speed-running the news in another WiC News Lightning Round.

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Next. The Narrow Road Between Desires is a beautiful addition to The Kingkiller Chronicle. dark

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