The Doctor dances, fights baby-eating goblins in trailer for next episode

The Doctor (Ncuti Gatwa) and Ruby Sunday (Millie Gibson) in Doctor Who.
The Doctor (Ncuti Gatwa) and Ruby Sunday (Millie Gibson) in Doctor Who.

In this weekend’s new episode of Doctor Who, the Doctor — played by returnee David Tennant — regenerated into actor Ncuti Gatwa, who will take the role into the future. Or, well, Tennant kind of regenerated into Gatwa. I won’t spoil it here, but if you watched the episode you know what I’m talking about. As always, Doctor Who is changing; a show doesn’t stick around for 60 years without being willing to adapt.

We’ll see Gatwa again in the upcoming Doctor Who Christmas special, which will be the first episode completely dedicated to his version of the Doctor. Watch the new trailer for “The Church on Ruby Road” below:

So “The Church on Ruby Road” will feature the Doctor clubbing, meeting new companion Ruby Sunday (Millie Gibson) and fighting a gaggle of space-faring goblin pirates. Returning showrunner Russell T Davies is enjoying himself. Wanna know how much? He teamed up with composer Murray Gold to write a song about how much those goblins want to eat a baby and released it as a single; proceeds go to Children in Need. Listen to the song, and get another preview of the Christmas special, below:

“We’re releasing this as an early Christmas present for everyone,” Davies said, per Digital Spy. “And if you want to see how the Doctor and Ruby escape from the Goblin King at the end of the song, you’ll have to watch on Christmas Day!”

That is one campy, goofy song, which very much fits with Davies’ whole ethos. The man brings a lot of energy to the show, if nothing else. If you don’t believe me, ask Neil Patrick Harris dancing as fast as he can to the Spice Girls in this past weekend’s new episode:

There seems to be a ton of energy surrounding Doctor Who right now, not only on the show but in how much marketing material is coming out. For instance, the show’s official YouTube page just put out this video spotlighting the Doctor’s new Sonic Screwdriver:

The Doctor Who team has been great about getting little teases like this out to fans to fill the time between new episodes. We can’t say if the Gatwa will be as successful in the role as Tennant, but everyone at Disney and BBC seems to be working hard to give him every chance.

The Doctor Who Christmas special will air on…I mean, I think you can guess.

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