The Wheel of Time season 2 was easily one of the biggest fantasy shows of the year, bringing the story of Robert Jordan’s beloved book series to life on screen. From show-stopping battles to intimate character moments, there was a lot to enjoy in the show’s sophomore outing.
Part of the fun of The Wheel of Time is that it has an ensemble cast with plenty of complex characters to get invested in. There are no stereotypical heroes and villains on this show; the heroes often struggle with personal demons, while the bad guys are painted in various shades of gray.
Nynaeve al’Meara, played in the Prime Video series by Zoë Robins, is one of the most complex of them all. She began her journey as the stubborn Wisdom of the sleepy town of Emond’s Field, before becoming an unwilling student of the Aes Sedai sorceresses in season 2. This season saw Nynaeve undergo an intense trial at the White Tower which laid bare some of her darkest fears. It was a standout episode of the season which set Nynaeve up for some immense character growth moving forward.
We had the opportunity to speak with Robins about her work on The Wheel of Time season 2. Read on for our exclusive interview! (Edited for clarity and length.)

WINTER IS COMING: So, now that season 2 is officially behind you. I wanted to ask, what was one thing you were really excited for people to see from season 2 and why?
ZOË ROBINS: Oh, great question. Well, I think the, the most pivotal episode for Nynaeve would be Episode 3 where she goes through the Arches. On a personal level, I was really excited to do it because I think it shows us the various sides of Nynaeve. I think on paper, she comes across as very headstrong and is forthright and very sure of herself…but there’s also so many other things at play underneath, and she’s full of insecurities and she doubts herself and she’s very, very flawed and human. And I think, it was just a wonderful opportunity to show various sides of Nynaeve and her emotionality. And seeing her with her daughter too was something that I thought was really special.
WiC: When you think back on filming that episode, what are some things that stand out in your memory about actually creating it behind the scenes?
ZR: I was just so excited when I read the script and saw just how much I had to work with because sometimes working in an ensemble piece like we do, you can only get a few kind of focus scenes sprawled across various episodes, but this was a moment where we could really carve out an emotional arc for Nynaeve. And so I was just excited to get to work and I do remember spending a lot of time with the scripts. It was very important that I knew chronologically where she was because there was a lot of…the timing, we don’t shoot chronologically. So it was imperative that I knew where she was in her journey physically and emotionally, and what had happened before and what was coming next. So, yeah, I certainly had my work cut out for me, but it was so exciting. I loved it.
WiC: So, I wasn’t planning on asking this, but you kind of just piqued my curiosity. I knew The Wheel of Time doesn’t shoot chronologically, but how far into the shoot did you do that episode? Was that something filmed earlier in the shoot for season 2 or was that something that was filmed later?
ZR: So, we shoot in block. A season is four blocks and one block is two episodes. So we usually start block by block by block. So we do have a kind of…there is a method to the madness. We would have finished block one and then moved on to block two, which would be Episode 3 and 4. But sometimes you could be shooting, you know…in a week, you could be shooting stuff from various different episodes. So it is overall very important to know where you are and have read the scripts. [Laughs]

WiC: So you’ve kind of been all over the world for filming this show. Do you have any favorite location that you’ve shot in for the series and, and why that location?
ZR: I would say one of them would have to be Slovenia. It was where we went to film a lot of the exterior shots for the Two Rivers, and it was right at the beginning of season 1 so that time is very nostalgic and felt very special. And also I feel like Slovenia probably wouldn’t have been a place that I would have visited on my own. And it was incredibly…it was just breathtaking beauty. And so that’s probably number one.
And I think…we went to Morocco at the end of season 2 as well. And just the culture there and the people and how friendly and welcoming they were there, that was also an incredible life experience as well. So, yeah, we’ve been very, very lucky.
WiC: Is there anything in particular that you learned from filming season 2, either about Nynaeve or about your process as an actor working on the show, that you’re carrying forward with you into your work on season 3?
ZR: Oh, that’s a wonderful question. I think just trying to be a lot more conscious of self-preservation and preserving my energy. Because, you know, some of the work that we do is very intense and it is very important to be able to look after yourself mentally and emotionally as well, in order to do the best possible job you can. I’ve learned the hard way not to burn the candle at both ends, and I think it is really important to prioritize rest as well. So that’s something that I’m definitely taking forward, through life and through work as well.
WiC: Along similar lines, what is one of your favorite things to play about Nynaeve? And what is maybe one of the more challenging things for you about playing her?
ZR: I love how assured she is in her thinking. She has very strong opinions and thoughts and beliefs and she sticks by them, and I really admire that.
Challenging…I think maybe it would be the same thing, that playing someone that is so strong-willed and forthright, I would say [is] a little bit of a departure of who I am. It’s equally nice and a challenge to attempt to give off some of Nynaeve’s energy. But yeah, she’s an incredible, incredible character. I’m so lucky that I get to be in her world.
WiC: I think I have time for one more very short question, so let’s end with a fun one. If you were going on a world spanning quest, which three Wheel of Time characters would you want to travel with?
ZR: Oh…yeah, I guess I have to really think of whether I want to make it out alive or have fun. I think Perrin. I think…Perrin, Moraine. And maybe Elayne because she makes great moonshine.
WiC: Zoë, thank you again so much. It was such a pleasure talking to you and best of luck with your work on season 3 and beyond.
ZR: Thank you very much, Daniel. Thanks for talking.

You can see Zoë Robins as Nynaeve al’Meara in season 2 of The Wheel of Time, available now to binge on Prime Video.
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