Game of Thrones voted most binge-worthy show in history

Image: Game of Thrones/HBO
Image: Game of Thrones/HBO /

Ranker is a site where people vote on anything and everything, from the greatest pitchers of all time to the best Godzilla movies to the scariest ghosts. There are a ton of TV-related polls in there, too, including one that ranks over 400 shows by how binge-worthy they are. The rankings change all the time, but as of this writing, the number one most binge-worthy show, according to Ranker, is HBO’s Game of Thrones.

This is no huge surprise. Although it ended in 2019, Game of Thrones maintains a powerful hold on the TV viewing public, particularly the internet-savvy members of that public who vote in online polls. That’s so despite the fact that the controversial ending inspired an intense backlash. However people feel about the way the story wrapped up, it’s clear that it still resonates. That’s part of the reason why HBO’s prequel show House of the Dragon was such a hit out of the gate last year.

Over a million votes were cast in this poll, all of them spread among the 400+ shows represented; on Ranker, you can vote something either up or down the list. Game of Thrones has around 46,000 votes as of this writing; obviously, most of them were up votes.

Other contenders for the top spot included Stranger ThingsBreaking Bad, The OfficeSherlock and Friends. Obviously polls like this aren’t rigorously scientific, and they’re biased in favor of Ranker’s audience, which isn’t necessarily representative of TV viewers as a whole. But it’s still an interesting snapshot of how the internet feels about media.

Will Game of Thrones eventually be knocked off its perch? Probably, but first a new show will have to take the world by storm the same way that HBO’s epic fantasy drama did. We’ll be here.

Next. 10 best fantasy and science fiction shows of 2023. dark

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