AI generates Game of Thrones trailer where everyone lives in a trailer park

The flying alligator with dragons' wings is worth the price of admission alone.
Game of Thrones - A Song of Rednecks (Official Music Video)
Game of Thrones - A Song of Rednecks (Official Music Video) | demonflyingfox

Game of Thrones has been over for five years now, and while spinoffs like House of the Dragon are giving us new stories set in this world, people are still revisiting the original story. For instance, a YouTuber named demonflyingfox has used AI to create a trailer that reimagines the story of Game of Thrones if it were set in a trailer part. Or as the twangy theme song that accompanies the trailer puts it, "Out in Westerholler where the trailers lay, the Lannisters and Starks all fight every day. Everybody's related in this tangleg-up scene. King of the trailer park, that's the redneck dream."

Watch the trailer above! It's pretty neat work, although there is some of the jankiness we've come to expect from AI-generated images. The image of trailer park Cersei at 1:08 may haunt my unquiet dreams for a while. On the other hand, they turned alligators into dragons and that makes me happy.

Demonflyingfox has devoted their channel to using AI to put new spins on popular franchises. Lately they've been having a lot of success with this whole redneck theme. Game of Thrones in a trailer park is just the beginning. Can I interest you in redneck Harry Potter?

Or perhaps redneck The Lord of the Rings?

Demonflyingfox has made multiple themed videos featuring this or that franchise. The Game of Thrones one has pulled a lot of traffic, so we'll probably see a "Part II" sooner or later, with more iconic characters reimagined as hillbillies. Or maybe demonflyingfox could expand to include House of the Dragon. And after this redneck thing has played itself out, what will the next theme be? Game of Thrones as a space opera? Game of Thrones in a high-powered corporate environment? Game of Thrones in the old west? If you can dream it, artificial intelligence can generate a version of it that's slightly off-putting in a way that's hard to identify.

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