In March, the hugely anticipated Marvel series Daredevil: Born Again comes to Disney+. The show marks the triumphant return of Charlie Cox as Matt Murdock, in his first solo series since Netflix's Daredevil concluded in 2018. The old team is back together for this revival, with Deborah Ann Woll and Elden Henson back as Karen Page and Foggy Nelson, and Vincent D'Onofrio returning as Wilson Fisk, aka the Kingpin.
The original show was known for its violence and brutality. And if you thought Disney would water things down, you'd be very wrong: Born Again has been stamped with an 18+ rating at the British Board of Film Classification (BBFC), according to Forbes.
The darkness and grittiness is a big thing for Daredevil fans. The series delves into street-level crime. It's grounded, brutal, and unapologetic in its approach. The original Netflix series achieved the signature comic-book Daredevil style with a distinct gritty tone. It dealt with themes that the larger MCU had never explored. So when everyone heard that Marvel Studios was rebooting Daredevil on Disney+, a streamer known for its family-friendly content, there was a certain level of apprehension.
But fear not: the show is as brutal as ever. I mean, even Jon Bernthal's The Punisher is involved, he's a high age rating in and of himself. Check out the trailer:
What's more, the new 18+ age rating for Daredevil: Born Again beats out the original Netflix series, which consistently held a 15+ age rating (although there were a few episodes that were individually rated at 18+).
The team behind Born Again have also been vocal about the darker tone. Speaking to GamesRadar, showrunner Dario Scardapane discussed what the reboot was aiming for. "There's a feeling for those classic '90s crime tales," he said. "It has a pace and a scope that, for a lot of reasons, Netflix wasn't able to do. They were very dark, cinematically, not necessarily story-wise, although there were some dark elements. We're much darker."
Daredevil: Born Again premieres March 4 on Disney+.
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