Marvel boss Kevin Feige tries "every day" to make a movie as good as Godzilla Minus One

Godzilla Minus One director Takashi Yamazaki is working on a follow-up as his ground-breaking original film continues to impress the biggest names in the film industry.
Godzilla Minus One - ©2023 Toho Studios
Godzilla Minus One - ©2023 Toho Studios

Godzilla Minus One was a minor miracle of a movie when it came out last year, a $15 million monster flick that somehow looked as good or better than a lot of Hollywood blockbusters made for 10 times that much. Director Takashi Yamazaki justly earned a ton of praise for his accomplishment, not to mention other career opportunities. "I started receiving all kinds of great [film] offers…I can’t tell you what offers they were," he recently told Cinema Today. "I turned them down, crying tears of blood, because they were making a new Godzilla movie.”

That new Gozilla movie was soft-revealed the other day, with very few details. All we know is that it's being made:

“I’m here to tell you that I can’t announce any more about the new film," Yamazaki said. "I’m really happy to see this excitement. I’m also happy that there are so many children here. Godzilla has gradually become something for adults, so the fact that there are more children as fans and that the next generation is growing is really good for Godzilla‘s future.” I'll leave it up to you whether Godzilla Minus One is appropriate viewing for children — it's rated PG-13, for the record — but I'm happy Yamazaki's work has gained him fans. He deserves it.

One of those fans is apparently Kevin Feige, the man responsible for engineering the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Speaking at the Tokyo International Film Festival, Yamazaki recalls a meeting with Feige: "The president of Marvel told me, 'Wadatsumi!'" he said, according to Virtaul Gorilla. ('Wadatsumi' was the name of the operation to kill Godzilla from Godzilla Minus One.) "He told me, 'We're all having meetings every day to see if we can make it happen like that.' I think it's just lip service."

Whether or not Feige is just blowing smoke up Yamazaki's ass, it's again great to see him getting reconition. I wonder if one of the offers he can't talk about was an opportunity to direct a Marvel movie. The MCU isn't going anywhere, so maybe that could still happen at some point.

As for the sequel to Godzilla Minus One (which has to be called Godzilla Minus Two, right?), we have no idea when it's going to be coming out, but I'm excited for it already.

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h/t Geek Tyrant, CBR