More actors join the cast of new Game of Thrones prequel A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms

Farriers, sex workers and men of mystery continue to fill out cast of A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms, which is coming next year.
Image Courtesy of Steffan Hill/HBO
Image Courtesy of Steffan Hill/HBO | A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms

Game of Thrones ended after eight seasons in 2019. The prequel show House of the Dragon wrapped up its second season earlier this year, with a third on the way in 2026. And next year, HBO will debut a new prequel show, set decades after the events of House of the Dragon but decades before Game of Thrones.

The show is called A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms, and it's based on author George R.R. Martin's Tales of Dunk and Egg novellas. The series will follow the adventures of a stalwart knight named Dunk (Peter Claffey) and his precocious squie Egg (Dexter Sol Ansell). It's set to be a lighter take on the Game of Thrones, and based on what Martin has seen, he's "so so happy" with it so far.

A proper trailer for A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms has already been shown off to insiders, and I'm betting the public at large will get to see it pretty soon. In the meanwhile, Redanian Intelligence brings us information about several new cast members, including...

Carla Harrison-Hodge
"The Shape Of Things" - Press Night - After Party | Dave Benett/GettyImages

Ellie McHale-Roe and Carla Harrison-Hodge (pictured above) play Lia the Lovely and Beony, a pair of sex workers who have a scene where they talk with a main character, probably Dunk, and compare sex work to jousting, since in both cases they “put their bodies in hazard for the pleasure of strangers.”

JB Moore will play a farrier, which is someone who trims and shoes horses hooves. The first season of A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms is based on Martin's novella The Hedge Knight, which is set at a tournament with jousting, so you're gonna need some horse people.

Mark O’Connor, who had a role in a cancelled Game of Thrones prequel called Bloodmoon, will play a musician at the tournament. Cara Harris will play an original character named Gwin, and then there are plenty of actors who are playing roles for which we don't have details yet, including Eric Nolan, Michael O'Mara and Riain Ó Conchobhaír, the latter two of whom are pictured below:

A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms complete cast list (so far)

For a story that's smaller in scale than Game of Thrones or House of the Dragon, the cast is getting pretty big. Here's who we know is joining the party, including our new arrivals:

  • Peter Claffey as Ser Duncan the Tall, aka Dunk, the good-hearted hero of our story
  • Dexter Sol Ansell as Egg, Dunk's squire
  • Danny Webb as Ser Arlan of Pennytree, an elderly knight and Dunk's master
  • Finn Bennett as Aerion "Brightflame" Targaryen, a half-mad Targaryen prince
  • Bertie Carvel as Baelor "Breakspear" Targaryen, Aerion's more level-headed uncle
  • Sam Spruell as Maekar Targaryen, Aerion's father
  • Tanzyn Crawford as Tanselle, a puppeteer
  • Daniel Ings as Lyonel Baratheon, who participates in the tourney
  • Edward Ashley as Ser Steffon Fossoway
  • Shaun Thomas as Raymun Fossoway
  • Youssef Kerkour as Steely Pate
  • Daniel Monks as Ser Manfred Dondarrion
  • Tom Vaughan-Lawlor as Plummer
  • Ross Anderson as Humfrey Hardyng
  • Steven Calvert as a Stormland knight
  • Rowan Robinson as Rowan
  • Ellie McHale-Roe as Lia the Lovely
  • Carla Harrison-Hodge as Beony
  • JB Moore as a farrier
  • Mark O’Connor as a musician
  • Abigail O'Regan in an unknown role
  • Eric Nolan in an unknown role
  • Michael O'Mara in an unknown role
  • Riain Ó Conchobhaír in an unknown role

The first season of A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms will run for six episodes and debut on HBO and Max sometime in 2025. My money is on the spring.

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