7 most disliked Game of Thrones characters, ranked

In a show with so many characters we love, there are also some we can't stand. Let's take a look at 7 of them and see why they get so much backlash from fans.
Game of Thrones - Sansa and Ramsay
Game of Thrones - Sansa and Ramsay /
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Game of Thrones is the epic saga that turned Monday mornings into global group therapy sessions. This series was like a theme park ride designed by a madman, where the safety harnesses were made of plot twists and the loops were character arcs so wild they made our heads spin. From the icy wastes beyond the Wall to the sun-scorched sands of Dorne, we embarked on a journey alongside a cast of characters so vast and vibrant you needed a family tree, a map, and a psychic to keep track of who was who and why they were stabbing each other.

At the heart of it all were our beloved heroes, or as we came to know them, the "probably doomed." There was Jon Snow, the brooding bastard with a heart of gold and a knack for coming back from the dead. There's Daenerys Targaryen, the exiled princess turned dragon-wielding liberator, who had us all practicing our pronunciation of Dracarys! in front of our pets. Arya Stark, the pint-sized assassin with a list of names longer than a CVS receipt, showed us that revenge is a dish best served in disguise. And who could forget Tyrion Lannister, the wine-loving, wisdom-spouting imp who navigated the political snake pit of King’s Landing with wit and cunning? These characters became our friends, our enemies, and sometimes, the reason we yelled at our TV screens in disbelief.

But what made Game of Thrones truly unforgettable was its ability to blur the lines between good and evil, leaving us rooting for characters we once despised and questioning the motives of those we loved. Jaime Lannister went from a sister-loving villain to a one-handed hero with a redemption arc so beautiful it hurt. The Hound showed us that even the most grizzled killer could have a soft spot. Theon Greyjoy changed from a cocky ward to a tortured soul to a redeemed warrior. This show didn't just entertain; it made us think, feel, and occasionally throw things in frustration. And though it's over, the memories of those we loved (and loved to hate) will linger like the last notes of that haunting theme song.

Speaking of those we hate, there were a lot of characters we very loudly disliked as a community. Let's take a look at seven of those and see why they get so much dislike from the fanbase.

7. The Sand Snakes

Let's dive into the curious case of the Sand Snakes, the desert-dwelling, whip-snapping daughters of Oberyn Martell. Imagine a trio of beautiful and badass warriors, each with their unique weapon of choice, vowing vengeance in the most dramatic fashion possible. Sounds cool, right? Well, it should have been cool, but alas; it turned into a bit of a sandy flop.

The Sand Snakes had all the ingredients to be the spicy addition Game of Thrones needed. They were fierce, they had a compelling reason for revenge (who wouldn't be pissed if their dad got his head squished like a grape?), and they lived in Dorne, a unique part of Westeros we hadn't explored in detail. But fans never warmed up to Obara, Nymeria and Tyene Sand.

First off, their introduction felt rushed, like someone said, "Hey, we need more cool characters, stat!" and then forgot to flesh them out. They popped up, hissed some threats, and flung around their weapons, but we barely got to know them. Their motives were clear but simplistic, and their tactics... well, let's just say subtlety was not their strong suit. Then there's the issue of their storyline. Were they freedom fighters, vengeful daughters, or just really into kidnapping and poison? It was hard to tell. Their actions often seemed disconnected from the larger narrative, making their plot feel like a side quest that never quite synced with the main game.

Despite these hiccups, the Sand Snakes are not the most hated characters on the show, but we wish they would have lived up to their potential. They had the cool factor, the background, and the drive, but ended up as a cautionary tale of what happens when great ideas meet hasty execution. They're the Thrones equivalent of ordering a fancy cocktail and getting something that tastes vaguely of fruit punch and disappointment. Not the worst, but you can't help but think about what could have been.

We have several more stops on our tour of hate. Click the button below to continue: