7 most disliked Game of Thrones characters, ranked

In a show with so many characters we love, there are also some we can't stand. Let's take a look at 7 of them and see why they get so much backlash from fans.
Game of Thrones - Sansa and Ramsay
Game of Thrones - Sansa and Ramsay /
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Photograph by Helen Sloan/courtesy of HBO /

4. Walder Frey

You're invited to a wedding. You're expecting a night of feasting, dancing, and maybe a bit too much wine. But instead of a bouquet toss, you get... a massacre. Welcome to the world of Walder Frey, the man who turned a wedding into one of the most jaw-dropping, scream-at-your-TV moments in recent television history.

This guy, with a smirk that makes you want to punch a hold through your TV,, masterminded the Red Wedding, betraying the Stark family in a move so shocking people are still recording their gobsmacked reactions years later. Walder Frey, the old lord with more kids than he can count, might seem like your grumpy neighbor who yells at kids to get off his lawn. But no, this guy takes grudges to a whole new level. His betrayal wasn't just brutal; it was personal, breaking one of the most sacred rules in Westeros: guest right, which means that once you break bread with someone under your roof, they're supposed to be safe.

Well, Walder Frey threw that rule out the window, along with the lives of some beloved characters.

So, why isn't he the most hated character in the realm? Well, he's kind of like that secondary character in a horror movie, the one who's creepy and awful but doesn't get as much screen time as the main villain. Walder Frey lurks in the background, popping up just long enough to remind everyone he's still around and still despicable. Plus, let's be honest, in a show filled with dragons, ice zombies, and sword fights, an old guy orchestrating a deadly dinner probably won't take the top spot in the hall of infamy.

But make no mistake, Walder Frey's legacy of treachery left a mark on fans. His actions at the Red Wedding became a defining moment for a show, earning him a place in the Game of Thrones Most Disliked Characters Hall of Fame. So while he might not be the ultimate villain of the series, he's definitely the guy you love to hate and hate that you can't forget.

Remember: in the game of thrones, you win or you die///unless you're Walder Frey, in which case, you throw a wedding and everyone else dies instead.