7 most disliked Game of Thrones characters, ranked

In a show with so many characters we love, there are also some we can't stand. Let's take a look at 7 of them and see why they get so much backlash from fans.
Game of Thrones - Sansa and Ramsay
Game of Thrones - Sansa and Ramsay /
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Photograph by Helen Sloan/courtesy of HBO /

2. Ramsay Bolton

Where do I even begin with this bundle of joy?

If Game of Thrones had a contest for "Westeros' Worst," Ramsay would not only enter but also insist on hosting the event, just to guarantee he'd win first place. This guy is the nightmare of the North, and not in a cool, "watch out, here comes a snowstorm" kind of way.

Ramsay's idea of a fun day out involves a level of cruelty that would make a White Walker shiver. He's like that one friend who suggests playing Monopoly, then proceeds to steal from the bank, flip the board, and laugh as everyone else wonders why they're friends with him. Except replace Monopoly with human lives and the board flipping with torture and betrayal. What's worse is that his sadism isn't just a hobby; it's more of a full-time job. He doesn't just cross the line; he sprints so far past it that the line is a distant memory. Whether he's hunting humans for sport, turning his dogs on people, or just being generally terrible, Ramsay does it all with a smile that makes you want to throw your TV out the window.

And redeeming qualities? Ramsay's about as likable as a sandpaper pillow. His actions throughout the series made viewers unite in rare, universal agreement: this guy needs to go. When your presence makes Cersei seem like a candidate for "Westeros' Kindest Person," you know you're the villain's villain.

Ramsay is the human equivalent of stepping on a Lego. But he's less of a Lego than a landmine. He's a masterclass in villainy, with a PhD in Horribleness. Watching him get his comeuppance was more satisfying than finding a $20 bill in an old pair of jeans.

Ramsay Bolton, folks: proof that you can indeed hate a fictional character with every fiber of your being.