7 most disliked Game of Thrones characters, ranked

In a show with so many characters we love, there are also some we can't stand. Let's take a look at 7 of them and see why they get so much backlash from fans.
Game of Thrones - Sansa and Ramsay
Game of Thrones - Sansa and Ramsay /
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1. Joffrey Baratheon

Joffrey Baratheon, Westeros' most punchable face, takes the number one spot, and it's ridiculously easy to see why.

This golden-haired menace, who ascended to the Iron Throne with all the grace of a cat in a bathtub, quickly became the character everyone became obsessed with hating. Imagine the schoolyard bully, but with an entire kingdom at his disposal and zero adult supervision.

First off, there's the cruelty. Whether he was ordering the execution of Ned Stark, torturing Sansa Stark for fun, or finding new and inventive ways to be the worst possible human, Joffrey did it all with a smirk that made viewers' hands itch to leap through their screens and wail on him. His idea of fun ranged from mildly disturbing to "Are you actually kidding me?" levels of awful.

Then there's the entitlement. Born into royalty, Joffrey was convinced he deserved the world and a little bit more. He believed the Iron Throne was his by divine right, but the only thing divine about Joffrey was his ability to unite the entire Game of Thrones fandom in mutual disdain.

And oh, the cowardice. For all his swagger, Joffrey was the first to hide behind his mother's skirts or his Kingsguard at the first sign of trouble. He was a classic case of "talk big, but run fast when things get real," proving time and again that he had neither the courage nor the wisdom to lead.

The most hated Game of Thrones character, Joffrey Baratheon was the king we loved to loathe. His reign was a perfect storm of terrible decisions and catastrophic personality traits. He was a villain so perfectly detestable that when his death finally came, there was a unifying moment of celebration across the Seven Kingdoms and in living rooms around the world.

So here's to Joffrey: may we never meet his like again, but thanks for giving us someone to root against.

dark. Next. got. The 3 best Game of Thrones episodes (and the 2 worst) according to IMDb

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