Fandom Madness 2024: Vote your favorite in our Championship Game!

In the final round of our Fandom Madness tournament, Aang from Avatar: The Last Airbender goes up against Crowley from Good Omens. Vote vote vote!
David Tennant (Crowley)
David Tennant (Crowley) /

We've arrived at the end of the road for the 2024 Fandom Madness Tournament! When we started this, 64 characters from the worlds of fantasy, sci-fi, movies, TV and books were included in our bracket, going head to head two by two in a series of match-ups until, weeks later, only two remain.

Our final two combatants in the Championship Round are Aang from Avatar: The Last Airbender and Crowley from Good Omens. Check out our final bracket below:

Fandom Madness.png
Fandom Madness.png / Fandom Madness. Image courtesy Winter is Coming

Aang and Crowley have been pushed through this competition by passionate fanbases who want to see their favorites come out on top, outlasting characters from Game of Thrones, The Lord of the Rings, Star Wars and many other series. Now, the impish Avatar who can control all four elements goes up against the smart-mouthed demon who sprung from the imaginations of Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett. Only one can win. As usual, the criteria is simple: vote for whichever character you want, for whatever reasons you want:

Here's our full schedule, to see how far we've come:

  • First Round: March 21-24
  • Second Round: March 25-27
  • Sweet 16: March 28-31
  • Elite Eight: April 1-3
  • Final Four: April 4-7
  • Fandom championship game: April 8

Thanks to everyone's who's been voting and making this tournament fun! Whichever character wins the championship, fans everywhere, of anything, are the reason this contest exists at all.

knight of the seven kingdoms. Game of Thrones prequel A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms: The Hedge Knight casts Dunk and Egg. dark. Next

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