House of the Dragon: Aemond and Rhaenyra are the power couple that should've ruled Westeros

Would Aemond Targaryen make a better king than his brother? We state the case:
Ewan Mitchell as Aemond Targaryen in House of the Dragon season 2 episode 4
Ewan Mitchell as Aemond Targaryen in House of the Dragon season 2 episode 4 /

Imagine a world where Aemond Targaryen sat on the Iron Throne instead of his notoriously problematic brother, Aegon II. At his side, none other than his half-sister, Rhaenyra.

Today, we're writing our own What If...? script, House of the Dragon edition (not really, don't come at me, House of Mouse) and trust me, it’s gonna be a wild ride.

Aemond, with his brooding intensity and fierce loyalty to his family, could have been the ultimate king. And pairing him with Rhaenyra? Oh boy, Westeros wouldn't know what hit it. Let's break down why Aemond would have outshone Aegon II and why he and Rhaenyra together would have been the ultimate power couple.

Also, SPOILER WARNING. Please continue to read at your own risk as some of the source material is touched on.

Tom Glynn-Carney as Aegon II Targaryen in House of the Dragon season 2 episode 4 /

Aegon II: The Hot Mess King

First, let's talk about Aegon II. He’s the kind of king who makes you facepalm every time he makes a decision. In both the House of the Dragon show and George R.R. Martin’s book Fire & Blood, Aegon II is portrayed as impulsive, self-indulgent, and lacking the qualities that make a great ruler. He’s more interested in his own pleasures than the welfare of the realm. Not exactly the kind of guy you want leading your kingdom.

Aegon’s reign was marked by chaos, conflict, and poor decision-making. His inability to unite people and his constant squabbles with his own family members only added fuel to the already raging fire of civil war. The Dance of the Dragons, the brutal Targaryen civil war, was fueled by Aegon's actions and decisions. Now, imagine if someone with a bit more, let’s say, wisdom and vision was in charge.

Enter Aemond Targaryen.

House of the Dragon season 2 /

Aemond: The Cool-Headed Contender

Aemond Targaryen, often overshadowed and mocked by his older brother, had all the makings of a great king. In Fire & Blood, Aemond is described as disciplined, intelligent, and a fierce warrior. Unlike Aegon, Aemond had a clear sense of duty and a strategic mind. He wasn’t just about fighting and flying dragons; he understood the importance of alliances and the weight of the crown. On House of the Dragon, Aemond's character is fleshed out even more. He’s shown as a complex individual with a strong sense of justice and an iron will. His determination and strategic thinking make him stand out as a potential ruler who could have brought stability to the realm. He’s not without his flaws, of course, but compared to Aegon, he’s a breath of fresh air.

House of the Dragon season 2 /

The Power Couple: Aemond and Rhaenyra

Now, let’s stir things up by pairing Aemond with Rhaenyra. I know, "Eww, gross, they're half-siblings". Did you forget we're talking about House of the Dragon? For the uninitiated, the Targaryens believed that by marrying within their own families, the purity of the Targaryen blood and dragon-riding magic they supposedly possessed was kept alive and passed down from Targaryen to Targaryen.

Rhaenyra Targaryen, the Realm's Delight, daughter to the late King Viserys Targaryen, was a fierce, ambitious, and capable leader in her own right. Her claim to the throne was legitimate, and she had the support of many powerful lords and knights. Imagine if instead of being adversaries, Aemond and Rhaenyra joined forces. Talk about a dream team. Rhaenyra’s fiery passion and Aemond’s cool-headed strategy would complement each other perfectly. Rhaenyra has the charisma and the drive to inspire people, while Aemond has the tactical mind to make sure their goals are met. Together, they could have united the realm and put an end to the bitter Targaryen feud that tore Westeros apart.

With Aemond and Rhaenyra ruling together, the Targaryen civil war might have taken a very different turn. Instead of brother fighting sister, they could have presented a united front, combining their strengths to lead Westeros into a golden age. The realm would have seen a balance of fiery ambition and calculated strategy. Aemond’s understanding of the importance of alliances would have been crucial. He could have worked with Rhaenyra to secure powerful allies, both within Westeros and beyond, and their combined influence and power would have been unmatched, making them a force to be reckoned with.

House of the Dragon season 2 /

Let’s not forget about their own dragons, either. Aemond rides Vhagar, one of the most powerful dragons in Westeros, and personal cranky grandma goals, while Rhaenyra has Syrax. Together, they would have had an unstoppable dragon duo. The sheer might of their combined dragonfire would have been enough to deter any rebellion or uprising. It’s hard to imagine anyone daring to challenge their rule when they had such formidable weapons at their disposal. They also could have focused on rebuilding and strengthening the realm. Aemond’s strategic mind would have been perfect for restoring stability and order after the chaos of war. He understood the importance of justice and fairness, which would have been key in winning the support of the common folk. Rhaenyra’s vision for the future included progressive ideas that could have modernized Westeros. She had the drive to push for changes that would benefit the realm as a whole, and with Aemond by her side, those changes could have been implemented effectively.

One of the biggest challenges for any ruler is handling adversity. Aegon II’s reign was marked by his inability to deal with challenges effectively. Aemond, on the other hand, had the resilience and the foresight to navigate difficult situations. He has consistently shown us he's not afraid to make tough decisions, and he has the wisdom to seek counsel when needed. Rhaenyra’s boldness combined with Aemond’s prudence would have been the perfect recipe for overcoming any obstacle.

In the end, Aemond Targaryen displays all the qualities of a great king. His strategic mind, sense of duty, and ability to inspire loyalty would have made him a far better ruler than Aegon II. Pairing him with Rhaenyra Targaryen would have created a power couple like no other, capable of leading Westeros into a new era of prosperity and strength.

It’s a fun, little Roman Empire of a "what if?" that leaves us wondering just how different the history of Westeros could have been with Aemond and Rhaenyra at the helm.

dark. Next. What did Alys Rivers mean when she said Harrenhal is "cursed"? (Daemon's dreams explained). What did Alys Rivers mean when she said Harrenhal is "cursed"? (Daemon's dreams explained)

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