House of the Dragon: Check out concept art for Sunfyre, the most beautiful dragon in Westeros

Concept artist Constantine Sekeris releases lots of artwork of the dragons on House of the Dragon, including Sunfyre, Syrax, Vhagar, Vermithor and more.
House of the Dragon Episode 9 - Photograph by Ollie Upton / HBO
House of the Dragon Episode 9 - Photograph by Ollie Upton / HBO

We met a lot of dragons in first season of House of the Dragon. Rhaenyra Targaryen rides the eagle-like Syrax. Her uncle/husband Daemon rides the war-ready Caraxes. Her half-brother Aemond rides the enormous, ancient Vhagar, and so on. The show isn't called House of the Dragon for noting. These fire-breathers are everywhere.

Come season 2, we'll meet many more dragons, some of which with clash with each other in the skies above Westeros. One of the important dragons we didn't get to spend much time with in season 1 is Sunfyre, the dragon ridden by Rhaenyra's half-brother Aegon, now her main rival for the Iron Throne. Constantine Sekeris, an artist who worked on the first season of House of the Dragon, recently posted some concept art of Sunfyre to his Artstation page. Check it out:

Sunfyre appeared incredibly briefly in the background of Episode 7, "Driftmark," but we really haven't spent any quality, up-close time with him, so the show is more or less free to make Sunfyre look however they want come season 2. I like the liquid look of the colors in this rendering of Sunfyre; he does indeed look beautiful.

In George R.R. Martin's book Fire & Blood, Sunfyre is known as Sunfyre the Golden, so I'd also accept a version of him that's more about his glittering gold scales. As long as he's pretty, I'm happy.

Sunfyre is involved in a major battle scene in season 2, so we'll definitely be seeing more of him. We'll see what direction House of the Dragon goes with his look when it returns for its second season on HBO and Max in the summer of 2024. In the meantime, do yourself a favor and click through the sumptuous artwork on Sekeris' page.

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