Neil Gaiman reveals hilarious Good Omens scene cut from the show

Neil Gaiman explains a hilarious scene from Good Omens featuring Aziraphale trying to watch an adult movie... specifically for the plot.
David Tennant (Crowley), Michael Sheen (Aziraphale)
David Tennant (Crowley), Michael Sheen (Aziraphale) /

There was a scene in Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett's proposed Good Omens sequel that involved Aziraphale attempting to watch an adult movie in a hotel on Pay Per View. The bookish angel was particularly invested in the plot, having to find alternative ways to complete the story without paying.

The scene in question never made it to our screens in the second season of the Good Omens TV show on Amazon Prime Video, and Neil Gaiman has revealed that it won't appear in the third season either. The scene was concieved for the never-finished sequel novel. The book was never completed following the death fantasy legend and co-author Terry Pratchett in 2015. However, Gaiman has continued the saga on TV, with season 2 telling a completely original story never covered in the book. Season 3 will continue that new journey.

Writing on his Tumblr, Gaiman weighed in on the hilarious cut scene, which wouldn't work nowadays. "It was a plot strand from the original sequel to Good Omens that cannot (alas) work any longer because hotel TVs no longer have little square units with buttons on top of them that give you access to the Pay Per View movies that the hotel is showing, after first showing you two free minutes," he wrote.

"The plot strand involved Aziraphale trying to watch an entire movie for free in random two minute increments in order to understand the plot. The movie was going to have been one of those heavily censored adult movies they showed on Pay Per View back then, and Aziraphale was on a strict budget."

Seeing this play out in live-action with Michael Sheen would've been TV gold, but I'm sure the writers of the third and final season have tons of hilarity in the works. Season 3 will wrap up the story, bringing back the incredibly high stakes of season 1. Yes, Armageddon is once again afoot, but this time Aziraphale and Crowley aren't talking. "Now in Season 3, we will deal once more with the end of the world. The plans for Armageddon are going wrong," Gaiman teased.

Good Omens seasons 1 and 2 are now streaming on Prime Video. Season 3 doesn't have a release date yet, we can expect it to premiere sometime in 2025, or even 2026.

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