Steven Moffat returning to Doctor Who for 2024 Christmas special?

David Tennant came back to Doctor Who! Russell T Davies is once again the showrunner! And now former showrunner Steven Moffat may be returning. The gang's back together.
"The Unfriend" - Press Night - After Party
"The Unfriend" - Press Night - After Party | Dave Benett/GettyImages

Every few years, Doctor Who resets itself. It's been happening since the '60s. A new actor comes in to play the titular time-traveling do-gooder, new producers come in and inject the show will new ideas, and here we are over half a century later. It's an endless cycle of renewal that may well still be going on when all of us are dead.

Lately, the show is resetting itself by bringing back former members of the creative team. Russell T Davies, who originally revived the show in 2005, is back as showrunner. David Tennant, who for many fans played their favorite incarnation of the Doctor, returned for a trio of new episodes before getting replaced by Ncuti Gatwa, who will play the character going forward. Now, it sounds like former showrunner Steven Moffat may be returning to the mix as well.

Moffat served as showrunner on Doctor Who for several seasons; he was in charge during Matt Smith's tenure as the Eleventh Doctor and then Peter Capaldi's turn as the Twelfth. Now, word is going around that he wrote the upcoming Doctor Who Christmas Special, Christmas specials being a long tradition in this series.

Fans got wind of Moffat's potential involvement thanks to the CV page for producer Alison Sterling, who is also working on the Christmas Special. Although the entries have since been removed, originally the writer of the episode was listed as "Steven Moffat," and the director as Alex Pillai. When Radio Times reached out to the BBC to get their input, the network had no comment.

It should be noted that Davies has previously said that he wrote the 2024 Christmas special, so this could just be hot air. Then again, he's been really gung-ho about bringing back fan favorites, so it's not impossible that Moffat could be stopping by the office.

The new season of Doctor Who with Ncuti Gatwa in the lead will kick off this May. You can probably guess when the Christmas Special will air.

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