The 5 most disliked plot twists on Game of Thrones

In a show that did so many things right, there were a few things that it could've done better.
Season 8, episode 5 (debut 5/12/19): Lena Headey.
photo: Helen Sloan/HBO
Season 8, episode 5 (debut 5/12/19): Lena Headey. photo: Helen Sloan/HBO /
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Game of Thrones, the epic saga of dragons, swords, and the occasional cup of modern coffee left in a very important scene, really knew how to stir the pot with its plot twists. The show often took some of its huge number of characters and tossed them into scenarios that made fans gasp, rage, and furiously type out their feelings online. These twists weren't just curveballs; they were like boomerangs that came back to smack you in the face twice as hard as they were thrown. Take the infamous Red Wedding; just when you thought it was safe to go to a wedding in Westeros, this little shindig turned into a bloodbath. And then there was the resurrection of Jon Snow, because on Game of Thrones, death is sometimes more of a suggestion than a rule, and the main characters have a lovely thing called Plot Armor.

Plot twists like these weren't just shocking; they were the kind of twists that made you rethink everything you thought you knew about the show. It was as if the writers sat in a room and asked, "How can we make our fans' jaws drop today?" From Daenerys' fiery temper tantrum in King's Landing to Arya's ninja-like prowess against the Night King, the show kept fans on their toes, sometimes tripping them up in the process.

In the end, Game of Thrones was like a game of chess played by someone who changes the rules every other move. Fans came for the dragons and battles but stayed for the unpredictable, sometimes infuriating twists that made the show legendary. Not every twist was a hit, , but that was part of the charm: in the Seven Kingdoms, the only thing you can expect with certainty was the unexpected.

With all that said, let's look at five specific plot twists that made the entire Thrones fanbase scream at their screens and vow to drop the show, only to pick it right back the following Sunday.

Jon Snow - Game of Thrones /

5) Jon Snow's heritage

Let's talk about Jon Snow, or should I say, Aegon Targaryen. That big reveal ended up being more of a party popper than a fireworks display. Throughout the series, we had hints dropped here and there -- mysterious glances and cryptic lines -- that Jon wasn't really the bastard son of Ned Stark. The buildup was like a roller coaster slowly climbing to its peak, making everyone's heart race in anticipation.

And then, the drop caught us all off guard. Surprise, he's not just the rightful heir to the Iron Throne but a Targaryen, no less! This twist had us expecting Jon to swoop in and claim his royal birthright, maybe even ride a dragon or two. But what did we get? Some dragon riding and a whole lot of nuffin'. Jon's royal bloodline, hyped up to be the "next big thing," ended up not having any significant impact on the storyline. The show turned this game-changing revelation into a footnote, as if someone said, "Oh, by the way, Jon's a Targaryen. Anyway, moving on..."

Another thing that was very much underplayed was the fact Jon was brought back from the dead, and we never get a real reason as to why that was such a big deal. What was the big plan? Why was it so important that he came back from the dead if he, the rightful heir to the Iron Throne, would never sit on it? Where was the drama, the conflict, the throne-claiming hustle? This lack of connection and consequence made the whole revelation feel like a huge missed opportunity. We didn't need Jon to suddenly wear a crown and strut around, but a little more than a collective shrug would've been nice. Classic misdirection, and not the fun kind.

What other plot twists fell a bit flat? Click the button below for more: