The Ark season 2, episode 5 review, "Museum of Death": Who is on Ark-3?

The end of the last episode saw Ark-1 get to Ark-3, only to find that someone else was already there. Who was it, and what did it mean for the crew of Ark-1?
THE ARK -- "Museum of Death" Episode 205 -- Pictured: (l-r) Christie Burke as Lt. Sharon Garnet, Pavle Jerinic as Felix Strickland, Stacey Read as Alicia Nevins, Tiana Upcheva as Eva Markovic, Richard Fleeshman as Lt. James Brice, Reece Ritchie as Lt. Spencer Lane, Diana Bermudez as Kimi -- (Photo by: Aleksandar Letic/Ark TV Holdings, Inc./SYFY)
THE ARK -- "Museum of Death" Episode 205 -- Pictured: (l-r) Christie Burke as Lt. Sharon Garnet, Pavle Jerinic as Felix Strickland, Stacey Read as Alicia Nevins, Tiana Upcheva as Eva Markovic, Richard Fleeshman as Lt. James Brice, Reece Ritchie as Lt. Spencer Lane, Diana Bermudez as Kimi -- (Photo by: Aleksandar Letic/Ark TV Holdings, Inc./SYFY) /

The start of the newest episode of The Ark, "Museum of Death," picks up where the previous episode left off. Someone had made it to Ark-3 before Ark-1, but who?

Caution: This post contains SPOILERS for The Ark season 2, episode 5, "Museum of Death"

The episode is another self-contained story, which is something the series does well. In "Museum of Death," the crew must execute on their original plan so that Ark-1 can use items from Ark-3 to repair its own damage. Now they must also deal with whoever is already on board Ark-3. We always know that they will somehow handle the situation, but "Museum of Death" puts a unique twist in their way.

The Ark - Season 2
THE ARK -- "Museum of Death" Episode 205 -- Pictured: (l-r) Reece Ritchie as Lt. Spencer Lane, Richard Fleeshman as Lt. James Brice -- (Photo by: Aleksandar Letic/Ark TV Holdings, Inc./SYFY) /

The crew finds an Eastern Federation ship in The Ark season 2, episode 5, "Museum of Death"

William Trust really needs to be taken down a peg or two. He is insufferable with his high and mighty attitude. However, sometimes, he does offer information that is useful. In this episode, he shares that the shuttle docked at Ark-3 was definitely one that belonged to the Eastern Federation.

We’ve heard the Eastern Federation mentioned a few times, including in the previous episode. There was a big war against the Eastern Federation, and it’s clearly something personal to Kimi. This is sure to cause a problem based on the information that we get here.

Garnet and others need to know if there is an army of Eastern Federation soldiers on Ark-3. All Alicia can pull up is stills that are taken at intervals due to the way the ship’s tech was damaged by Ark-15 back in the first season. Those stills show a lot of people stationed around the ship, making it look like there’s an army there.

It turns out that it’s not an army at all. Someone has taken all the bodies of the Ark-3 members and placed them around the ship. As Garnet looks around, she comes across a person who isn’t one of the dead. That person runs away but is caught.

It turns out this man in Eva’s brother. There’s a bit of backstory about how he turned to the Eastern Federation to find his sister, knowing that she was on one of the first three Arks. The Eastern Federation abandoned him on Ark-3 and he went a little crazy being left in isolation for so long. That’s not surprising. We know what isolation does to people.

In the end, Ark-1 manages to remove the front of Ark-3 and install it on their own ship. There are some touch-and-go moments, and sadly Eva’s brother doesn’t make it out alive as he tries to get back to Ark-3 while the transfer tis taking place. However, Ark-1’s journey to find a new home is back to being the main focus of the season, which is good timing as we reach the halfway mark.

The Ark - Season 2
THE ARK -- "Museum of Death" Episode 205 -- Pictured: (l-r) Tiana Upcheva as Eva Markovic, Christie Burke as Lt. Sharon Garnet -- (Photo by: Aleksandar Letic/Ark TV Holdings, Inc./SYFY) /

Eva’s secrets threaten to come out in The Ark

The Ark-1 crew manage to get Eva’s brother to Ark-1, where there is a chance he can be treated. However, it’s clear that he has broken from reality, and Eva may never get her brother back. All he wants is to go back to his “wife” and “friends” on Ark-3, and he threatens to expose Eva if she doesn’t allow it.

All this is done in Serbian, which nobody but Jelena can understand. Kimi is keeping a close eye on everyone and she wants the gossip from Jelena. What were Eva and her brother talking about in Serbian? Jelena doesn’t say anything to Kimi, but she does turn to Strickland later on in the episode with questions about whether she should share things that she has heard. Strickland only wants to know something if it will affect the crew, and it seems like Jelena doesn’t think that it will. This was about Eva after all, and they’ve all come to trust Eva.

It does look like Eva was connected to the Eastern Federation at some point. Is it possible that Kimi lost someone close to her in that war? We’ve seen how Spencer reacted when he learned that it was an Eastern Federation ship. He wants revenge for his father’s death at the hands on the Eastern Federation. He’s more open about it, and Garnet is able to talk him down. Kimi isn’t being open with anyone, which would suggest that she is going to get some sort of revenge, and that will put Eva’s life on the line.

It's hard to know who to trust at this point. I want to trust Eva, but she does something shady at the end of the episode by deleting her record off the system. That record showed six criminal convictions. Was she placed on Ark-1 as an Eastern Federation spy? What about Jelena? How will Brice react when he learns the full truth?

Poor Angus feels like he’s not needed in The Ark season 2, episode 5, "Museum of Death"

Angus is finally back on his feet and heads straight back to his garden. It’s grown considerably since he was gone, and it’s clear that nobody from Ark-15 even knows who he is. That’s a problem. Why didn’t Ark-1 explain to the people on Ark-15 about Angus building all of this?

On top of that, the woman from Ark-15 is immediately dismissive of his irrigation system. She points out that it was uneven and says that she fixed it. There’s no explanation of what was done, or any comment about how he did a great job in building something from nothing. Angus solved a huge problem in the first season for the crew of Ark-1, and Ark-15 coming in being all dismissive makes my heart hurt for him.

This is sure to have a knock-on effect for Angus. Will he remember that Maddox claimed that he was a waste of resources? The problem is nobody will likely see how Angus is coping now that he’s recovered, and I’m guessing that he’ll actually turn to Kelly as the only other person who feels like an outsider.

Speaking of Kelly, she learns more about her dad in this episode. Her dad took her everywhere to keep her safe from Maddox. However, Maddox poisoned her dad. Kelly isn't surprised to learn about this from Trust. She’s sad but not surprised, knowing how awful her mother is. I can’t forgive her for killing Trust’s wife, but she isn’t fully the monster that she initially seemed. She doesn’t know who to trust, and I get a sense that she and Angus will form some sort of kindred spirit bond between them.

Overall, this was a great episode with a mix of emotion, intrigue, and drama. There are clearly some signs of tension to come among different members of the new Ark-1 crew. It’s clear that we need to watch out for Kimi. She’s likely the biggest threat to everyone, especially if she’s holding a personal grudge.

The Ark season 2, episode 4 review, "The Other You": What happened to Brice?. dark. Next. The Ark season 2, episode 4 review, "The Other You": What happened to Brice?

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