The Bad Batch inches closer to the final destination in Episode 313, "Into the Breach"

Desperate times call for desperate measures (and less sound writing).
(L-R): Crosshair, Vice Admiral Rampart, and Wrecker in a scene from "STAR WARS: THE BAD BATCH", season 3 exclusively on Disney+. © 2024 Lucasfilm Ltd. & ™. All Rights Reserved.
(L-R): Crosshair, Vice Admiral Rampart, and Wrecker in a scene from "STAR WARS: THE BAD BATCH", season 3 exclusively on Disney+. © 2024 Lucasfilm Ltd. & ™. All Rights Reserved.

The cast of Star Wars: The Bad Batch conduct one last mission before finally making their way back to Mount Tantiss in this week's new episode, "Flash Strike."

In the previous episode, Hunter, Wrecker and Crosshair broke Admiral Rampart out of prison; strangely, Rampart is way less annoying with a beard. After grilling him on the location of Mount Tantiss, Rampart explains that he doesn't know where it is and that any ship going there must first get the coordinates from a space station over Coruscant. Since Coruscant is the heart of the Empire, conducting an infiltration mission there isn't exactly safe, but hey, they've done it before. And Omega's life is on the line (again) so the crew decides to make a run against the odds at acquiring the vital intel.

The crew links up with Echo, who somehow stole an Imperial shuttle that they use to infiltrate the facility. Eventually, they find out that the only way to find Mount Tantiss is to hitch a ride on a science vessel, which is incredibly dangerous considering the heightened security surrounding Hemlock's activities. Echo is the only one who can get on board by stowing away with the droids. Apparently he has enough machine parts that lifeform scanners can't pick him up, which is both awesome and disturbing.

Echo disables the ship's scanners and Hunter attaches the shuttle carrying the rest of the group just in a nick of time, hitching them a ride straight to Tantiss. It doesn't seem very slick to come out of hyperspace attached to the belly of another ship. It seems like the Imperials at Mount Tantiss will notice that right away, but there is a very gung ho/desperate vibe to this mission so let's not overthink it. The details will figure themselves out, alright?

Meanwhile, Omega gathers intel from the other child prisoners in the vault and vows to get them all out of the facility. She's able to find a way out through the tunnels used by the facility's droids. I'm not sure what her plan is considering a group of doctors monitor the children around the clock, but again, desperate times call for desperate measures (and less sound writing).

Overall, this was a typical set-up episode. I wouldn't categorize it as filler, but it also wasn't all that exciting. It was just meh. I did enjoy the banter the Bad Batch had with Admiral Rampart. It's also fun that he will be along for this wild Tantiss adventure, but I doubt he will make it out alive. Or anyone other than Omega, for that matter. I just hope Rex and the other Clones somehow get the call.

Episode Grade: C+

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