The Legend of Vox Machina seasons 1-2 recap and what to expect in season 3

Gather 'round, nerds, and let's go over what we've witnessed and what's to come in the upcoming third season of Vox Machina.
The Legend of Vox Machina. Courtesy of Amazon Studios
The Legend of Vox Machina. Courtesy of Amazon Studios /

Let's dive into the wild world of The Legend of Vox Machina, streaming exclusively on Prime Video, and talk about where this incredible series has taken us so far. This series isn't just another fantasy adventure; it's a rollercoaster ride with a gang of misfits who are as dysfunctional as they are endearing.

Imagine a bunch of voice actors like Laura Bailey, Ashley Johnson, Travis Willingham — the folks who breathe life into your favorite animated characters — sitting around a table playing Dungeons and Dragons, rolling dice, cracking jokes, and weaving a massive, sprawling fantasy story. That’s Critical Role, the live-streamed D&D game where this troupe first came together as Vox Machina, led by masterful Dungeon Master Matt Mercer. Now, take that awesomeness, add some snazzy animation, and bam! That's how The Legend of Vox Machina was born. This show follows the misadventures, mishaps, and mayhem of Vox Machina, a group of misfits who start off as small-time mercenaries and end up as world-saving heroes. They’re dealing with dragons, demons, and the occasional awkward social encounter.

From the dark depths of dungeons to the glittering spires of magical cities, The Legend of Vox Machina has it all: magic, swords, a bit of romance, and a ton of action. Whether they’re bickering among themselves, facing down terrifying foes, or celebrating at the tavern, Vox Machina’s adventures are anything but dull. Magic is real, danger lurks around every corner, and a group of heroes is just a dice roll away from disaster or glory.

Let's take a quick look at seasons 1 and 2 of this fantastical series and talk about what we can expect to see in season 3. The Vox Machina campaign with Critical Role is over, so we have a good idea of what's coming when the show returns with new episodes.

The Legend of Vox Machina. Courtesy of Amazon Studios /

Vox Machina character guide

Before we get into their exploits, let's quickly catch up on the crew members themselves:

  1. Vex'ahlia “Vex” Vessar (Laura Bailey): Vex is a half-elf ranger with a hawk's eye for danger and treasures. She’s got a bear sidekick named Trinket.
  2. Vax'ildan “Vax” Vessar (Liam O'Brien): Vex's twin brother, this half-elf rogue is the definition of “sneaky.” He’s got a dark sense of humor, a heart of gold, and a great way with daggers.
  3. Keyleth (Marisha Ray): This half-elf druid is all about nature, turning into animals, and growing plants at awkward moments. She's a bit of a hot mess with immense power.
  4. Percival “Percy” de Rolo III (Taliesin Jaffe): This brainy blueblood has a dramatic backstory and an even more dramatic way of dealing with enemies. Think nobility with a trigger finger.
  5. Grog Strongjaw (Travis Willingham): The muscle of the group, Grog loves three things: fighting, ale, and his friends. He’s not the brightest crayon in the box but definitely one of the most loyal, and my kindred spirit.
  6. Pike Trickfoot (Ashley Johnson): The moral compass of the group, this sweet, petite cleric can heal you or turn you into a smoldering pile of ash, depending on her mood.
  7. Scanlan Shorthalt (Sam Riegel): The gnome bard who can charm the scales off a dragon with his wit and music. Scanlan uses his lute and voice to alter minds, conjure illusions, and seduce literally anything that moves.

Okay, onto what this madscrabble bunch got up to in seasons 1 and 2, and what's coming for them in season 3:

The Legend of Vox Machina. Courtesy of Amazon Studios /

What's wappened so far on Vox Machina: A recap of mayhem

Season 1: Brewing trouble and battling dragons

This first season is packed with swords, sorcery, and the kind of shenanigans that only a group of slightly dysfunctional heroes could get into. Let's break down the action:

The series kicks off with a bang as our beloved band of misfits, Vox Machina, are introduced in the middle of some typical hero business: saving a family from a bunch of gnarly giants. But don’t let their bravado fool you; they’re broke and in desperate need of a new gig. Enter Sovereign Uriel of Emon, who tasks them with hunting down a mysterious and super-dangerous creature that's been terrorizing the realm. Spoiler alert: It’s a nasty dragon!

After narrowly escaping with their lives (and a bit of dragon trauma), Vox Machina heads back to Emon to attend a royal feast. But just as the ale starts flowing, the party is crashed by the Chroma Conclave, a terrifying group of dragons led by the Cinder King Thordak, who totally demolishes the city. It's chaos, fire, and flying scales everywhere! Regrouping from the attack, Vox Machina sets off on a quest to find powerful artifacts called the Vestiges of Divergence which might give them a fighting chance against the dragons. Their journey leads them to a creepy ziggurat where they encounter a sinister figure from their past, Delilah Briarwood. Cue dramatic music and a fight with dark magic that reveals some deep, dark secrets about the world.

The quest for the Vestiges takes a personal turn as the team travels to the frosty lands of the north where they face trials that test their mettle and their morals. We get a peek into the backstory of Percival de Rolo, whose family history involves a lot of betrayal and ghostly revenge. There’s also a chilling showdown in a haunted castle, giving "chilling" a whole new meaning. And just when you think it couldn't get more intense, Vox Machina ends up in the city of Westruun, now overrun by the monstrous zombie-making dragon, Umbrasyl, and a horde of goliaths. There's a full-blown battle with undead armies, tense strategy, and high stakes. Our heroes pull off a daring plan that involves diving inside a dragon (yes, you read that right), proving that they can outsmart and outfight just about anything.

The season finale is a doozy. After the takedown of Umbrasyl, Vox Machina faces off against Raishan, the deceitful green dragon who’s been lurking in the shadows. Secrets unravel, betrayals are revealed, and everything leads to a catastrophic showdown that tests the limits of their abilities and their bonds. It's an explosive end that leaves everyone wondering what's next for our heroes.

Through all the battles, betrayals, and barroom brawls, season 1 delivers a fantasy feast that’s as heart-pounding as it is heart-warming.

The Legend of Vox Machina. Courtesy of Amazon Studios /

Season 2: Deeper darkness and political intrigue

This season packs a punch with its heart-pounding action and deeper dives into the backstories of our favorite heroes.

The season kicks off with a bang, quite literally, as four monstrous dragons from the Chroma Conclave lay waste to the city of Emon. Vox Machina watches in horror and quickly realizes they're outmatched. With the city in ruins, the gang flees to the city of Whitestone, seeking refuge and planning their next move. They then head to Vasselheim, where they face a series of trials and continue their quest to find the Vestiges of Divergence.

Throughout the middle episodes, each member of Vox Machina faces personal trials and tribulations while hunting for the Vestiges. We see intense character development, particularly for Percy and Vex, as they confront their pasts. The group's dynamics are tested as they navigate treacherous terrains, battle formidable foes, and unearth powerful artifacts that could tilt the balance in their favor against the dragons. The latter part of the season ramps up the tension with more dragons and dire situations. The group confronts Umbrasyl, one of the Conclave dragons, in a harrowing battle that tests their newfound strengths and strategies. Meanwhile, secrets about the dragons' motivations and past actions come to light, adding layers to the conflict. The season culminates in a series of epic confrontations, where Vox Machina must leverage every bit of their skills, wits, and courage to fend off the draconic threat and protect their world from utter destruction.

Throughout the season, the stakes are high and the action is non-stop. The series does a fantastic job of balancing epic battles with heartfelt moments, ensuring that the viewers are always on the edge of their seats. The growth of each character, combined with the intricate plot developments, makes season 2 a thrilling continuation of the Vox Machina saga.

The Legend of Vox Machina. Courtesy of Amazon Studios /

Peeking into Vox Machina season 3: Spoiler Alert!

Now that we're all caught up and/or refreshed, let's look at the rest of the Chroma Conclave arc and see where season 3 could potentially take us. This section will contain spoilers from the Vox Machina campaign as played live by Critical Role. Read at your own risk!

Big Bad Thordak Showdown

So Vox Machina has been running around, powering up with some ancient magical goodies called the Vestiges of Divergence. They're all jazzed up and ready to rumble. Enter Thordak, the big, bad, fiery dragon who's been chilling on his throne of rubble in Emon like he owns the place. Well, Vox Machina decides it's time to kick him off his fiery seat. The battle is insane! Buildings are crumbling, fire is everywhere, and our heroes are giving it their all. After a lot of sweat, spells, and sword swings, Thordak is defeated. But the city looks like a barbecue pit, and there's still tension in the air.

Sneaky Green Dragon Alert!

Just when you think, "Phew, time for some peace and quiet," Raishan, the deceitful green dragon, pulls a fast one. She’s been pretending to be an ally, but she has plans of her own. With Thordak out of the picture, she tries to snatch some secrets of resurrection and power from Thordak’s corpse. Vox Machina isn’t having any of that. They chase her down to a mysterious cave filled with danger and, guess what? More fighting! The showdown with Raishan is tricky; she’s smart, cunning, and a master of disease and poison. The battle tests their wits and will, but eventually, Raishan meets her scaly end, though not without causing a heap of trouble for our gang.

The Legend of Vox Machina. Courtesy of Amazon Studios /

Aftermath and Cleanup Crew

With the dragons gone, you'd think it's party time, but there's a lot of mess to clean up. Emon isn’t just going to rebuild itself, and Vox Machina are now local celebrities with hero status. They've got to deal with politics, reconstruction, and all the fans. Plus, each member has some personal baggage to sort through after all those life-and-death battles. It’s a time for healing, figuring out what being a hero means, and maybe setting up for their next big adventure.

From fire-breathing dragons to sneaky plots, the end of the Chroma Conclave arc is a wild ride full of action, tough choices, and a bit of dragon-slaying glory. What’s not to love about that?

The Legend of Vox Machina is more than just spells and sword fights. It's about flawed, fascinating characters growing in a world that's as rich and detailed as it is dangerous. It combines humor, heart, and a hefty dose of hijinks, making it a must-watch for anyone who loves a good adventure with a side of silliness.

Whether you're a die-hard fan of the original Critical Role campaign or just a lover of epic adventures, The Legend of Vox Machina has something for you. Gather your fellow adventurers, grab your dice, and prepare for a journey that promises even more thrills, laughs, and gasps.

The Legend of Vox Machina is set to continue this fall, and trust me, you don’t want to miss a moment of it.

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