Robert Kirkman's superhero comic Invincible is proving itself to be among the most prestigious superhero sagas out there today. And in an industry dominated by Marvel and DC, that's a pretty big feat. The comic is in the middle of a hugely successful animated adaptation at Prime Video, which has just wrapped its third season with a bang. But that's not all: both an AAA video game and a movie are in development!
Kirkman recently rhapsodized about the upcoming video game. In an interview with Dexerto, he revealed that from what he's seen of the game so far, it's the most exciting piece of Invincible media he's ever witnessed. “I don’t know what I can say. I think…it’s definitely in the works. It’s definitely cool. I don’t even know if I can say how much of it I’ve seen,” he said. “I’m going to play it safe and just say, from what I have seen, I am more excited than I’ve been about anything involving Invincible.”
The video game was announced last year, during a fundraiser for Skybound Entertainment. The project managed to raise $680,000 from over 500 investors. "Skybound is developing a highly produced, high-octane blood bath that is anything but indie," the fundraiser description reads. "Our bonafide global hit IP, Invincible, is at the center, and we've hand-picked our own team, consisting of more than 30 gaming industry veterans to make it happen. "
Did we mention there's a live-action Invincible movie in development, too?
A video game isn't all that's coming further down the line. Skybound is also developing a big-budget live-action Invincible movie based on the comics. The movie is an altogether separate entity to the animated series. It has a lot of talent behind it, with Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg reportedly involved. Of course, Kirkman himself is heavily involved, too.
“It’s still in development,” Kirkman told The Direct in 2024. “We’re still working with Universal. You know, the show is going so well. I think the movie absolutely has to be perfect. And so it’s taking a lot of time, like getting the pieces aligned and getting everything to work so that we can come out and make it as good as it can possibly be.”
I don't expect the movie to happen for at least a few more years. There's no need to release it now, what with the animated series performing excellently. Prime Video's adaptation isn't even halfway through the comics yet; there's still a long way to go!
Prime Video's Invincible has already been renewed for a fourth season, which is expected to release in 2026. Although there was a long gap between seasons 1 and 2, Kirkman and company are now aiming to get a new season out every year.
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