Take the Black: A first-time Game of Thrones viewer explains why season 8 is good, actually

Wherein we interview someone who just finished watching Game of Thrones for the first time. What moments shocked them? Was the ending really that bad?
Game of Thrones - Jon and Daenerys
Game of Thrones - Jon and Daenerys | Photograph by Helen Sloan/HBO

It's time for another episode of Take the Black, the weekly podcast where we talk about the important issues facing humanity, its future, and its legacy. Namely: Game of Thrones, and other fantasy and sci-fi stuff!

This week our regular host Dan Selcke was off on a secret adventure which you'll find out more about some day in the not-too-distant future. In his stead, Fansided Entertainment and Lifestyle Director Cody Schultz came on the show as a guest host — which was perfect because he just finished watching Game of Thrones for the very first time!

Cody had a lot of opinions about the series and how it held up for him as a new viewer, without the fan fervor and book attachments that so many of us lived through when it first aired. Did he like the end of the series? Which characters were his favorites? Which shocking scenes did he know were coming, and which blew his socks off? Watch the episode here and find out:

Game of Thrones isn't the only thing we talked about on this week's podcast. We also got into author George R.R. Martin's confirmation that HBO was once developing a Thrones spinoff about the Free City of Braavos, and speculate about what it could have been about. Plus, Cody talks about his love for the new Marvel series Agatha All Along, which just wrapped up its season in spectacular fashion. I say "Cody talked about it," because I had some pretty wild tech issues this week, which made for an unpredictable show. We like to keep things interesting around here! Plus, we got into what we've been watching and wrapped things up with the world-famous WiC News Lightning Round.

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