The 7 most underrated characters from Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones heavily focused on particular characters, but there were seven making moves in the background who were heavily underrated.
Photograph by Helen Sloan/HBO
Photograph by Helen Sloan/HBO

Over the course of eight seasons of Game of Thrones, we met some wonderful characters. Some were far more underrated than others, making moves in the shadows or showing off their loyalty in ways we wouldn’t expect. These characters deserve far more love and attention via spinoffs or through George R.R. Martin’s books.

Whether it’s through the way they took the slings and arrows of life in stride, or through the support they offered when needed, these characters desesrve to celebrated. Here are the seven most underrated characters in Game of Thrones history:

7. Beric Dondarrion

When we first met Beric Dondarrion, we didn't think he'd be much of an important player. He's a wounded soldier with a flaming sword who keeps dying and getting brought back to life by his friend Thoros of Myr. Well, he ended up being an important player during the Battle of Winterfell, where he sacrificed himself knowing that there was nobody left to bring him back, all to ensure that Arya Stark could fulfill her destiny and kill the Night King.

One of the great things about Beric is that he fights for the people rather than a house. The more he’s brought back from the dead, the more memories of his previous life he starts to lose, and that just makes him fight harder for the innocent. He doesn’t let the brutality of war drag him down. He becomes a leader we can feel good about following.

Photograph by Helen Sloan/courtesy of HBO | Game of Thrones

6. Eddison Tollett, aka Dolorous Edd

Edd offered a lot of comedic relief when needed throughout the course of Game of Thrones. At the same time, he showed what it takes to be a good soldier and a good leader. He gained the trust and respect of his Brothers in the Night's Watch, so when it was time to pass on the title of Lord Commander, it was only natural for Edd to assume it.

Despite his pessimistic view of the world, Edd didn’t stop fighting for what he viewed was right. He defended Jon Snow when needed, and he stepped up to fight the White Walkers when called upon. Our hearts broke when he died at the Battle of Winterfell, because Edd deserved to grow old as a beloved Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch.

Photograph by Helen Sloan/courtesy of HBO | Game of Thrones

5. Meera Reed

Game of Thrones is set in a medieval-esque time period, where women were meant for nothing more than sewing, having babies, cooking, and keeping the house. Yet, Howland Reed knew that his daughter needed to do more, and Meera became an accomplished hunter and forager. Her brother Jojen was the gentler one. Meera trusted and followed him, keeping him safe from harm.

Without Meera, Bran Stark wouldn’t have made it back to Winterfell. It’s thanks to her that he completed his mission and became the Three-Eyed Raven, and yet she was forgotten about afterward. Did she have a bright future after leaving the Three-Eyed Raven and going back home? We never found out, but we should have.

4. Jojen Reed

Bran wouldn’t have reached the end of his path without Meera, but it was Jojen who set him on that path. Jojen shared his prophecy of what Bran was supposed to do. He was the one that set everyone out on the journey north of The Wall.

Jojen did all this knowing what his future had in store for him. Despite knowing that he would die, he set out on a journey with strength and calm. Jojen was a kind person despite the dark world around him.

Photograph by Courtesy of HBO

3. Edmure Tully

At first glance, Edmure Tully is a bumbling fool with no care for anyone other than himself. That’s not really the case, though. He was raised knowing that he would be the Lord of Riverrun, and he learned the art of diplomacy along the way.

In fact, Edmure offered Robb some of the best advice when it came to dealing with the hot-tempered northern lord Rickard Karstark. While making it clear how the other lords viewed Karstark, Edmure showed that he could think without emotions getting in the way. He could play a long game, and that’s what is needed in the game of thrones to ensure you survive.

2. Syrio Forel

Only appearing briefly in the first season, Syrio Forel made a lasting impression on Arya Stark. He was her water dancing instructor, which meant he was actually teaching her how to sword-fight. In the end, Syrio (potentially) sacrificed himself to give Arya a chance to escape once the Lannisters took over.

Throughout her years of training, Arya never forgot about Syrio. We would routinely see her practicing the skills he taught her. It made him one of the most underrated characters in Game of Thrones, because nobody else had that sort of influence over a character in a positive way so long after they were gone.

Photograph by Helen Sloan/courtesy of HBO | Game of Thrones

1. Podrick Payne

Mostly used for comedic relief, it’s easy to overlook some of Podrick Payne’s best moments. He was more than the fumbling squire that he initially seemed to be. This was a man who was loyal, determined, and smart. There’s a reason he became a member of the Kingsguard at the very end of the series.

Many people will forget that Pod saved Tyrion’s life during the Battle of the Blackwater in the second season. Sure, he didn't plan on doing it, but that’s what made it a brave act. Throughout the seasons, Podrick took in the lessons he learned from Tyrion and Brienne to become a worthy knight and friend.

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