At long last, the third season of The Wheel of Time has premiered on Prime Video. The streamers dropped the first three episodes of the season today, and my was it a lot to process. "To Race the Shadow" kicked off with everyone gathered in the Aes Sedai city of Tar Valon before things take a few horrific turns. "A Question of Crimson" introduces a slew of new characters including the royal family of Andor. And "Seeds of Shadow" gives the show's many villains time to shine as they make plans to undermine our heroes.
The Wheel of Time is based on the beloved fantasy book series by Robert Jordan, which is renowned for having thousands of named characters. The show doesn't have quite that many, but it does still have a sprawling cast that does the books proud. If you're diving into season 3 and need a little refresher about who's who, we've got you covered. Let's go through a quick rundown of all the cast members who we expect to see from previous seasons, as well as some of the new faces who popped up in the premiere episode block. We'll be updating this post as more characters appear, so bookmark it and check back as we get deeper into the season.

Moiraine Damodred
Moiraine is an Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah who has devoted the past 20 years of her life to finding and guiding the Dragon Reborn, a reincarnated hero who will either save or destroy the world. She spent most of season 2 cut off from her magic, before Rand al'Thor restored her powers. She helped declare him before all the world as the Dragon in the city of Falme in the season 2 finale, and will be his staunchest supporter as he makes his next moves. Moiraine has a long-standing romance with Siuan Sanche, the Amyrlin Seat of the White Tower, but near the end of season 2 they had a bad falling out when Siuan tried to force Moiraine to obey her commands, and Moiraine slipped her grasp with the help of the Forsaken Lanfear.
Moiraine is played by Rosamund Pike.

Lan Mandragoran
Lan Mandragoran is Moiraine's Warder — essentially her bodyguard, who has been bonded to her by magic so that he can feel what she feels and know when she's in danger. Most Aes Sedai outside of the Red Ajah have Warders, but Lan is a special case because he's also the last surviving king of the nation of Malkier, which was consumed by the Blight (the eerie jungle we saw Moiraine and Rand venture into during the season 1 finale). He is a master swordsman without equal. Lan is also in a relationship with Nynaeve.
Lan is played by Daniel Henney.

Rand al'Thor
Rand al'Thor was once a simple shepherd in the village of Emond's Field, deep in the idyllic wilds of the Two Rivers. But that was a long time ago. He's since learned that he's the Dragon Reborn, a reincarnated hero who will either break the world or destroy it. Rand is capable of Channeling magic, but since the male half of the One Power is tainted, every time it does it pushes him toward madness. After defeating the Forsaken Ishamael at Falme in season 2, the whole world knows that Rand is the Dragon Reborn. The big question is: what will he do next?
Rand is played by Josha Stradowski.

Nynaeve al'Meara
Nynaeve al'Meara is a childhood friend of Rand and the rest of the Two Rivers gang, but she's also their elder. She was the village Wisdom, a wise woman of sorts responsible for healing ills and offering guidance. Now she's an Accepted of the Aes Sedai thanks to her ability to Channel magic, and is the strongest Channeler to be born in over a thousand years. However, Nynaeve has a mental block which prevents her from easily accessing her magical powers. But even without it, she's formidable and resourceful in the extreme. Nynaeve is also in a relationship with Lan.
Nynaeve is played by Zoë Robins.

Egwene al'Vere
Egwene is Rand's childhood sweetheart, and a powerful Channeler. Though still technically a novice of the Aes Sedai at the start of season 3, she survived a horrific ordeal after being enslaved by the Seanchan which helped her hone her powers. She is determiened to help protect Rand from whatever the Wheel throws at him, but is still struggling with the trauma of her treatment at the hands of the Seanchan.
Egwene is played by Madeleine Madden.

Perrin Aybara
Perrin Aybara is one of Rand's two childhood best friends. He was a blacksmith in the Two Rivers, before being whisked away along with Rand, Egwene, and Mat by the Aes Sedai Moiraine. Perrin is a "wolfbrother," which means he has a rare ability to communicate with wolves and shares their sharp senses. After the death of his wolf companion Hopper at the hands of Whitecloaks in Falme, Perrin slew one of their leaders. His eyes have now turned golden, a permanent reminder of his bond to the pack.
Perrin is played by Marcus Rutherford.

Matrim Cauthon
Mat Cauthon is a close childhood friend of Rand and Mat, and a bit of a rogue. Mat loves to gamble and flirt with girls, but he's also got hidden depths. In the first season, he was bonded to a shadowy dagger which fed on his inner darkness. He has since been separated from the dagger with the help of the Aes Sedai. During the Battle of Falme, Mat blew the legendary Horn of Valere and fought alongside the spirits of dead heroes from past ages, discovering that he had also lived many lives as a Hero of the Horn. Now, memories of those past lives are seeping into Mat's mind whether he wants them or not.
Mat is played by Dónal Finn.

Elayne Trakand
Elayne Trakand is the daughter-heir of Andor, one of the most powerful nations in the world. She is also a powerful Channeler, and was sent to study at the White Tower to become an Aes Sedai. She currently holds the rank of novice, but after getting wrapped up in the Battle of Falme along with Nynaeve and Egwene, her skills far outshine that low rank in the tower. Elayne healed Rand after he was wounded by Mat's corrupted dagger in the battle, and has become a fast friend to the gang from the Two Rivers.
Elayne is played by Ceara Coveney.

Aviendha is a member of the Aiel people. As a Maiden of the Spear, she is well-versed in combat. The Aiel are a desert-dwelling culture with their own prophecies about the Dragon Reborn, whom they call the car'a'carn ("chief of chiefs"). After aiding Perrin Aybara in the Battle of Falme during season 2, Aviendha was a witness to Rand being declared the Dragon Reborn. Now, she views it as her duty to watch over Rand until her people can decide whether he's truly their prophesied leader.
Aviendha is played by Ayoola Smart.

Min Farshaw
Min Farshaw is a seer who has uncontrollable visions that show her people's fates. This is not a blessing for Min, who hates being forced to learn the often terrible futures of those around her. In season 2 she had a deal with the Forsaken Ishamael, who agreed to take away her visions if she helped him get his hands on Mat Cauthon. While Min did go along with it, she ultimately backed out before fulfilling all her obligations to Ishamael, and retains her visions as a result. We last saw Min in Cairhien, but it's revealed during the first episodes of season 3 that she eventually made her way to the White Tower, where she poses a servant to spy for Siuan Sanche.
Min is played by Kae Alexander.

Lanfear is a powerful magic wielder and member of the Forsaken, a group of Channelers who swore to serve the Dark One thousands of years ago. She was in love with one of Rand's previous incarnations, Lews Therin Telamon. Ishamael released her from her prison in season 2, and she went on to deceive Rand into thinking she was a humble innkeeper so she could seduce him before revealing her true nature as a Forsaken later on. Lanfear always has her own agenda, butting heads with the other Forsaken and trying to hinder Rand's allies.
Lanfear is played by Natasha O'Keeffe.

Liandrin Guirale
Liandrin Guirale is an Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah. She's also a Darkfriend who has sworn herself to the shadow as a member of the Black Ajah, a secret cult of Aes Sedai who serve the Dark One. After handing Nynaeve, Egwene, and Elayne over to the Seanchan in season 2, Liandrin is ousted from the White Tower at the beginning of season 3. She leaves a bloody trail in her wake, as she and several other members of the Black Ajah make for the seaside city of Tanchico with some nefarious plan.
Liandrin is played by Kate Fleetwood.

Alanna Mosvani
Alanna Mosvani is a member of the Green Ajah of Aes Sedai, and a formidable Channeler. The Green Ajah are commonly known as the "Battle Ajah," because they are the ones who focus most heavily on combat in order to one day fight in the Last Battle. Alanna has two Warders: Ihvon and Maksim. After tragedy strikes, she leaves Tar Valon on some mysterious personal quest.
Alanna is played by Priyanka Bose.

Maksim is one of Alanna's Warders. He is played by Taylor Napier.

Loial is an Ogier — a race of large, peaceful creatures — who Rand met in the city of Tar Valon in the show's first season. He's since become an integral part of the group, helping our heroes traverse the shadowy realm of the Ways — secret pathways that are dangerous for any but an Ogier to travel, but which it possible to travel great distances in a short amount of time. Loial is a lover of history, and has been writing a book detailing the adventure's of Rand, Perrin, and their friends.
Loial is played by Hammed Animashaun.

Siuan Sanche
Siuan Sanche is the leader of the Aes Sedai. The name of her title is the Amyrlin Seat (which is also what her literal throne is called). She's a very powerful Channeler, but schisms within the White Tower have made her rule vulnerable. The Black Ajah flourished under her nose, and after the explosive start of season 3, Siuan will have to figure out how to navigate what comes next for the sisterhood. She is in a secret relationship with Moiraine, but after season 2 they parted on bad terms and have yet to make up.
Siuan is played by Sophie Okonedo.

Leane Sharif
Leane Sharif is Siuan's Keeper of the Chronicles, the second-in-command to the Amyrlin in the White Tower. She is fiercely protective of Siuan and often serves as a close advisor on delicate matters. When Siuan is away from the tower, Leane rules in her stead.
Leane is played by Jennifer Cheon Garcia.

Verin Mathwin (Meera Syal)
Verin Mathwin is a an Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah. Browns are the information-keepers of the Aes Sedai, responsible for cataloging books and magical artifacts. Verin and her sister Adeleas housed Moiraine in season 2 while she tried to regain her lost magic. Verin is a highly intelligent sorceress who always notices more than she lets on. At the start of season 3, she's firmly entrenched back at the White Tower as a senior member of her Ajah.
Verin is played by Meera Syal.

Bain is an Aiel Maiden of the Spear who aided Aviendha and Perrin in the Battle of Falme. After seeing Rand declare himself as the Dragon Reborn, she and her fellow Maidens of the Spear have followed him back to Tar Valon to keep an eye on him until it's decided whether he's truly the new leader of the Aiel. Bain is bonded as a first-sister to Chiad, a custom of the Aiel where two women are extremely close and united by a shared purpose, rather than blood. As such, they're inseparable.
Bain is played by Ragga Ragnars.
Chiad is Bain's first-sister, and a skilled Maiden of the Spear who helped Aviendha and Perrin in the Battle of Falme. She has also followed Rand back to Tar Valon, watching to see what he does next and how it will affect her people, the Aiel. She and Bain do just about everything together, including playing the Aiel kissing game Maiden's Kiss and fighting foes as a coordinated team.
Chiad is played by Maja Simonsen.

Padan Fain
Padan Fain was once a traveling merchant who frequently visited the Two Rivers to ply wares from far-off lands. Then it was revealed he was a Darkfriend. Fain led the Trollocs to the Two Rivers during the show's first season, then later tracked down our heroes and stole the Horn of Valere from Fal Dara. Fain's path eventually led him to Falme, where he tried to tempt Mat with the corrupted dagger from Shadar Logoth. But Mat resisted, and Fain was subsequently driven out of the city in the chaos of battle. His next aims are a mystery.
Padan Fain is played by Johann Myers.

Like Lanfear, Moghedien is one of the Forsaken, a group of powerful Channelers who have been imprisoned for thousands of years after swearing themselves to the Dark One. Ishamael broke their prisons at the end of season 2, releasing the rest of the group into the world. Moghedien isn't the most powerful in terms of raw strength, but she's devious and loves to spin plans from the shadows. She's known among her fellows as "the spider."
Moghedien is played by Laia Costa.

Faile Bashere
Faile Bashere is a Hunter of the Horn who is traveling the world in search of the Horn of Valere. Her true background is a mystery for now, but in season 3 her path brings her to the Two Rivers. Faile is adept in weapons-craft and tracking, and has strong opinions about what path Perrin Aybara should take in his attempts to help the people of his hometown against a brewing danger in the nearby forest.
Faile is played by Isabella Bucceri.

Queen Morgase Trakand
Queen Morgase Trakand is the ruler of Andor, one of the most powerful nations in the world. She rose to the Lion Throne following a brutal succession war where she and several other candidates vied for power following the disappearance of the previous daughter-heir. Morgase is the mother of Elayne, Gawyn, and Galad, and has a strong presence that can put even an Aes Sedai on the back foot.
Morgase is played by Olivia Williams.
Elaida do Avriny a'Roihan
Elaida do Avriny a'Roihan is a senior Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah. She has been away from the White Tower for many years serving as the advisor to Queen Morgase in the city of Caemlyn, but in season 3 we see her make her way home. Elaida is a calculating woman prone to bullying to get her way, and she has a bitter history with Siuan Sanche.
Elaida is played by Shohreh Aghdashloo.

Prince Gawyn
Prince Gawyn is the First Prince of the Sword of Caemlyn and Morgase's younger son. He is a skilled swordsman, but also has a bit of a foppish attitude and doesn't take things overly seriously. He's very popular with the novices of the White Tower.
Gawyn is played by Luke Fetherston.

Prince Galad
Prince Galad is the oldest sibling of the Trakand family. As such, he can be a bit of a stickler for the rules, to the point where he tends to annoy his younger siblings Gawyn and Elayne. He's very protective over Elayne especially. Despite how uptight he can be, Galad is also a very skilled swordsman who takes his station as one of Andor's princes with the pride and dignity it's due.
Galad is played by Callum Kerr.

Lord Gaebril
Lord Gaebril is Queen Morgase's consort. He's an affable man who loves a good glass of wine and has a disarming way of talking to others. His past and how he came to meet Morgase is a mystery, however.
Lord Gaebril is played by Nuno Lopes.

Dain Bornhald (Jay Duffy)
Dain Bornhald is a Whitecloak officer who crossed paths with Perrin Aybara in The Wheel of Time season 2. He ended up involved in the Battle of Falme along with his father, Geofram Bornhald. Unfortunately, after Geofram slew Perrin's wolf companion Hopper, Perrin cut him down with his axe. Dain witnessed the death of his father at Perrin's hands. When last we saw Dain, he was screaming his fury at Perrin as the rest of the Whitecloaks pulled him away from the battle. Well see how he plans to avenge his father in season 3.
Dain Bornhald is played by Jay Duffy.

Eamon Valda
Eamon Valda is a Questioner for the Whitecloaks who is utterly committed to rooting out witches and Darkfriends. While that may sound like a noble aim, Valda often delights in abusing his power to the extent that he ends up torturing innocents. In season 1 he captured and tortured both Perrin and Egwene; in season 2, he took part in the Battle of Falme. He survived that battle and now has fallen in with Dain Bornhald on his quest for revenge against Perrin.
Valda is played by Abdul Salis.

Bair (Nukâka Coster-Waldeau)
Bair is a Wise One of the Taardad clan of the Aiel — essentially, their version of an Aes Sedai. She has several mysterious magical gifts, but more than that, her clan listens to her for her wisdom on matters great and small. Along with her fellow Wise One Melaine, she holds a great amount of sway in the Taardad clan.
Bair is played by Nukâka Coster-Waldeau.

Melaine (Salóme Gunnarsdóttir)
Melaine is another Wise One of the Taardad clan of Aiel. Like Bair, she guides her clan while possessing a rare magical gift known as Dreamwalking. She is more reluctant to trust the outsiders who have come into her midst, but has a clear mind for her duty as a Wise One.
Melaine is played by Salóme Gunnarsdóttir.

Rhuarc (Björn Landberg)
Rhuarc is the clan chief of the Taardad Aiel. He works in concert with the Wise Ones to safeguard his clan and is well-respected as both a warrior and leader. If Rand al'Thor wants to gain the aid of the Aiel in his war against the shadow, he'll need the support of Rhuarc and his Taardad clan.
Rhuarc is played by Björn Landberg.

Melindhra (Synnøve Macody Lund)
Melindhra is a Maiden of the Spear in the Taardad clan, but she isn't Aiel by birth. Rather, Melindhra's roots go back to the ancient kingdom of Malkier, which was swallowed by the Blight. Yes, that's the same kingdom Lan is from. We don't know the details for how Melindhra escaped Malkier before it fell, but her appearance in the Aiel Waste will be interesting for Lan to say the least.

Ishamael (played by Fares Fares)
The final entry on our character list is Ishamael, the Forsaken whom Rand killed at the end of season 2. Is he well and truly dead? Will we see him at all in season 3?
While we can't say anything with certainty, it's worth noting that Ishamael appeared in one of the official promotional posters for The Wheel of Time's third season. That means we'll almost certainly see him in some form or other this season. Ishamael is thousands of years old, and was once the best friend of Rand's previous incarnation Lews Therin. Whether he's still alive or we just see him in a flashback, his influence will still loom over the series thanks to the fact that he released the rest of the Forsaken at Falme.
The first three episodes of The Wheel of Time season 3 are now available to stream on Prime Video. New episodes drop every Thursday for the rest of the season's run, until its finale on April 17. We'll be covering it all right here, so make sure to check back!
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