Game of Thrones is not only a fantastic show—it’s a feast for the eyes. From the costumes to the sets to the CGI, every episode has gorgeous moments and amazing acting beats that are well worth freezing in time and considering. Today’s Best Vista Award goes to the the steps of the Girona Cathedral in Spain, which is a stop open to all tourists who might find themselves visiting the great city of Girona, which is standing in this year for King’s Landing, among other places. The Spanish Tourism Board would once again like to thank Game of Thrones for this screencap.
Let’s get to the other impressive sights from “Blood of My Blood.” For those expecting screencaps of Bran’s visions from the first two minutes of the episode, we collected those in a separate screencap post yesterday, since the visions were so full of interesting stuff. Therefore, today we pick up after Bran awakens and tells Meera the bad news: “They’ve found us.”
Meera has such an expressive face. I’m glad they’re giving Ellie Kendrick more to do this season.
Coldhand’s fire thurible is very useful in this situation. Observe:
Useful in many situations, particularly those that involve the undead.
Dude, take a look at this expensive-ass carriage. Sam is *loaded.*
The High Sparrow keeps meeting Tommen in the expansive Sept of Baelor. When working over kings, use your space to impress.
When I saw this shot, I couldn’t help but think of Richard III, and how he stages a scene so that when his lackeys bring the ministers to insist he must become king, they find him piously reading the bible in dressed down rags.
Margaery also has that look on her face, the one she had all throughout Seasons 4 and 5 when she was working over Tommen.
But it was this shot when I realized that the Faith readied her for this meeting. Look how nicely her hair is brushed. Look how well-scrubbed she is. They readied her for this, or allowed her to ready herself.
Next: Speaking of appearances...