HBO to announce premiere date for Game of Thrones season 7 today

HBO has been leaking out more information about Game of Thrones season 7 lately. It debuted a teaser poster just the other day. And now, for a follow-up, it’s going to announce the season 7 premiere date on Facebook Live today, at 11 am PST, 2 pm EST.

Usually, the premiere date wouldn’t cause much of a stir. The show generally premieres in April. But because the show pushed back its filming schedule this year to shoot in naturally snowy conditions, season 7 is coming out during the summer. When during the summer? Today, we’ll finally find out. Here’s the network’s teaser video:

It looks like the Facebook Live show will involve a block of ice that melts to reveal the date. HBO sure does knows its way around a theatrical reveal. Keep an eye on HBO’s Facebook page to catch the announcement. We’ll be covering it here and live on the WiC Facebook page, so we can geek out in real time.