Check out fan-made title cards for the potential Game of Thrones spinoffs


The news that HBO is working on five potential Game of Thrones spinoffs has lit the internet on fire. Fans created lots of posters for season 7 before HBO gave us an official one, and it didn’t take them long to mock up title cards for the spinoffs. Night’s King on Twitter has been particularly prolific — take a look at his handiwork below.

First up, we have a title card for “The Conquest,” which would tell the story of Aegon Targaryen’s conquest of Westeros roughly 300 years before Game of Thrones.

Aegon and his sister-wives used their three dragons to subdue six of the Seven Kingdoms (Dorne remained independent), so this show would have plenty of action. The three-headed dragon sigil integrated into the “Q” is a nice touch.

Next up: a poster for “Blackfyre.”

An offshoot of House Targaryen, the members of House Blackfyre spent roughly 65 years engaged in a series of unsuccessful rebellions before being wiped out. Depending on how HBO approached it, a series based on the Blackfyres could span multiple generations. The three dragons emerging from the “B” are pretty awesome.

Of all the potential prequel series, one based on the Targaryen civil war known as the Dance of the Dragons might be the most interesting. Night’s King is all over it:

The Dance happened roughly 150 years before the events of Game of Thrones. The conflict includes dragon-on-dragon warfare, betrayals and kin-slaying. My only quibble with the title card is the background color. The two opposing sides in the Dance of the Dragons came to be known as the Greens and the Blacks, and I think some sort of split background would take the poster to the next level.

And now, the sadness. Martin recently confirmed that two of the more popular options for spinoffs — Robert’s Rebellion and the Tales of Dunk and Egg — are officially off the table. But Night’s King put together these title cards before that news came out, so we can look upon them and dream what might have been.

The title card for Robert’s Rebellion is especially nice, with the Baratheon stag front and center.

The Tales of Dunk and Egg are an ongoing series of novellas written by Martin about the adventures of a hedge knight named Ser Duncan the Tall and his faithful squire Egg, who also happens to be Prince Aegon Targaryen. It’s a fun, smaller-scale series, and occurs about a hundred years before Game of Thrones.

The cursive type-face on this title card is great. HBO could do worse than to look at these for inspiration when putting together intros for whatever prequel(s) it ends up developing.