Take the Black Podcast: We analyze new season 7 photos and episode runtimes

Welcome back to another episode of Take the Black, Winter is Coming’s Game of Thrones podcast. This week we dissect even more Game of Thrones season 7 photos and dig into the implications of the recently released season 7 episode runtimes.

For this episode, Lord Thone couldn’t be with us, so Lady Isis, Ser Smith and yours truly take on such topics as:

  • Is Sam learning to cure greyscale at the Citadel?
  • Will Gilly play a key role in finding information about Jon’s parents?
  • What is Bran looking at in his photo?
  • Podrick…nice.
  • Season 7 will bring us the longest episodes of Game of Thrones in history. Get hype.

As usual, Take the Black leans on the NSFW side (beware of F-bombs). Also, beware of MAJOR SPOILERS for Game of Thrones season 7. You have been warned.

Don’t forget: Take the Black is now on iTunes! Please subscribe, comment, and download from there if you can. And now, Take the Black Podcast is on Blog Talk Radio, so try us there, as well!

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Take the Black Podcast: Dissecting even more

Game of Thrones season 7 photos!

What are your thoughts on the new photos? How will Sam and Gilly impact the story? Are you happy with the episode runtimes? Let us know in the comments below, and while you’re there, let us know your guesses for the titles of each season 7 episode, and we’ll give you a shout-out on next week’s podcast. Valar Morghulis, y’all.