He’s not even trying to hide it anymore, is he?
More pics of Kit Harington walking around Belfast have surfaced courtesy of Twitter-user Jon Snow. (Probably not the real Jon Snow, although we can’t be sure of anything at this point.) To be fair, there’s no guarantee that these pics are new, but that shouldn’t stop us from speculating wildly.
As you can see, Harington is cleverly trying to hide his Jon Snow-style hair by covering it with a hood. He’s also wearing glasses, a la Clark Kent. I don’t think it fooled anyone.
For those who may not recognize him, the man walking alongside Harington is Ben Crompton, the English actor who plays Eddison “Dolorous Edd” Tollett on the show. If Jon Snow really is dead, which is looking less and less likely given the stream of pictures of Harington in Belfast, Crompton will probably have more to do next year. With Sam also gone from the Wall, Dolorous Edd is one of the few recurring Night’s Watchmen characters left, other than Alliser “Everybody Hates Me” Thorne and Olly “But Not As Much As They Hate Me” Ollyson (not his real last name).
At this point, it almost seems pointless to keep reporting on Harington sightings. It’s pretty clear he’s in Belfast. Maybe he’s there to film Jon Snow’s funeral scene, maybe he’s there visiting the cast, or maybe all our dreams will come true and he’s filming new scenes as a resurrected Jon Snow. All we have are these pictures and time.
Next: Who are the Faith Militant? A history of the Faith of the Seven.