Doctor Who: The Potential Dalek Invasion of Charon


When a television program is based upon the exploits of a being travelling through all of time and space, it is understandable that there may be those wanting to name celestial objects for entities in the show. Even if those names are, for the most part, just the desires of an imaginative Doctor Who fan, it is fun to pick out a random star and name it for something on the program.

Naturally, when New Horizons bypassed Pluto, giving the world their most detailed look at the planet (Pluto is still a planet in my book!!!) there was the problem of naming all of these new features. As the team opened suggestions up to the public, those fervent dreams of having features named for different locations and objects in Doctor Who had a chance to come true.

Right now, at least on the moon Charon, those names could well dot the landscape. Joining luminaries from such shows as Star Trek, Star Wars and movies such as Alien, Doctor Who is prominently featured among the proposed names for the satellite. If permitted, Charon would feature the TARDIS Chasma, bisecting the Gallifrey Macula.

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Of course, naming these features after the Doctor’s spaceship and home planet, respectively, could cause issues. Could landing the TARDIS in the TARDIS Chasma cause a terrible paradox? Would the Doctor’s ongoing search for his home planet inadvertently lead him to Pluto’s largest moon? Just imagine the confusion when he steps out into the desolate wasteland of Charon.

Let us also think of the implications that naming those regions for Gallifrey and the TARDIS. Imagine if word got out to the Daleks that Gallifrey was located, and it happened to be at the edge of our solar system. Those psychotic pepperpots would not hesitate to exterminate everything in our little corner of the universe.

Do we really want another Time War? Do we really want to watch those enemies of the Time Lords descend upon our solar system? Do we want to watch everything die off in an intergalactic war that humanity cannot win?

Let us not tempt fate. As much fun as it would be to point to a map of Charon and have Gallifrey lost become Gallifrey found, is it worth the potential annihilation of life on this planet? I, for one, do not think our Dalek overlords would be that forgiving of masters.

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