Doctor Who: Everything You Need For Tea Time with The Doctor!


As an American Whovian, I could always appreciate the many references to tea on Doctor Who, but like most Americans, I didn’t ever really consider myself a “tea person”. Coffee was definitely my hot beverage of choice, especially in the mornings.

But then, something happened. I found fandom teas.

Yes, fandom teas. People were creating tea blends inspired by their favorite fandoms and characters. Proof that you really can fandom anything!

More from Doctor Who

These Doctor Who inspired tea blends intrigued me. Even cooler were the plethora of Doctor Who themed tea accessories: tea pots, tea cups, tea infusers, tea spoons … anything you could think of and these super creative people were stamping Doctor Who goodness all over it.

Naturally, as a Whovian, I had to try it. And it was delicious. And for some reason drinking tea based around my favorite fandoms made it more fun to drink. So I drank more of it. And pretty soon I was creating my very own fandom tea blends. And before I knew it I had a whole cabinet of teas. And I sort of became a “tea person” without even realizing it.

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So today I bring you a collection of some of my own favorite Doctor Who themed teas and tea accessories so you can start building your own collection, discover how lovely tea can be, and the next time The Doctor exclaims, “Tea! That’s all I needed! Good cup of tea. Super heated infusion of free radicals and tannin, just the thing for healing the synapses.”, you can raise your own cup in a knowing toast.

But first, you’ll need something to brew the tea in. Any old tea kettle would do, of course, but you could be the envy of your Whovian tea-drinking friends with this handmade piece:

Handmade to order! credit: jadeflower on Etsy

Or perhaps you’d like a set which includes cream and sugar bowls as well!

credit: SecondChanceCeramics on Etsy

Then, of course, you will need a properly themed infuser so that you’re not sucking down tea leaves whilst trying to enjoy your tasty Time Lord beverage. BeadWire on Etsy has several very nice Doctor Who tea infusers, and so does Tea For All Reasons, also on Etsy. I also love this one by CleverKarma on Etsy, as it clearly declares just who you are, and all you have to do is continue to enjoy your cuppa!

Whovian and proud!

credit: CleverKarma on Etsy

You will also need mugs! Or cups! Or some kind of vessel with which to hold your brewed fandom tea! You will need to think about what kind of theme you’d like on your very own Whovian cup, but once you’ve narrowed it down to quotes, or River Song, or Eleven, or the TARDIS, or a dalek, simply head back to Etsy and do a simple search. Then lose yourself to the awesome.

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These Doctor Who quote mugs from DianesLittleDitties are some of my absolute favorites! Just too fantastic!


credit: DianesLittleDitties on Etsy

Now, we come to the best bit: the tea itself!

Here, there are so many options it’s hard to determine where to start. There are teas inspired by different Doctors (Nine, Ten, and Eleven seem to be the most popular), by some of The Doctor’s favorite things (like Jammy Dodgers) and by some of The Doctor’s worst enemies (like Weeping Angels and the Daleks). There are also several blends out there based on companions (Amy or Rose?) and even the TARDIS herself!

So it really just all depends on your mood. Do you feel like something dark and broody, a bit grumpy like the Twelfth Doctor? Or perhaps something bright and quirky, more like Ten?

One of my own personal favorites!

credit:, blend by Cara McGee.

Whatever you’re feeling like, trust me, there’s a blend out there for you. Adagio Teas is one of the best websites I’ve ever found for tea, and not just because they have 75,744 fandom blends available for purchase right at this very moment (and that increases every day), but because they allow you to create your very own blends!

Yes. You. You, Whovian, can go to their website and make your own Doctor Who tea blends to your heart’s content! Or, if that’s too much pressure, you can simply search the category and pick a blend from the thousands already created.

That may seem overwhelming, but look for the creators with multiple blends to their names, and with good art and good reviews. Cara McGee is probably my favorite fandom blend creator at the moment, but feel free to experiment for yourself!

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The previously mentioned Etsy shop Tea For All Reasons also has a great selection of Doctor Who themed teas, one of which is nearly too pretty to drink. The Starry Night blend has sprinkles and candy stars. And looks like a starry night. Love it.

A starry night … in tea!

credit: Tea For All Reasons, on Etsy

And now you are all set for tea time with The Doctor!

You have your tea pot, your mugs, your tea infuser, and your tea. Combining two of your favorite things just makes both even more enjoyable. And if you’re not a “tea person” just yet, or at all, maybe, I dare you to try some of these blends and see what happens.

Now allons-y! And drink up!

Next: No Full Series of Doctor Who in 2016?

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