Doctor Who: Peter Capaldi Wants More Kissing

When it comes to the idea of romance on Doctor Who, there seem to be two distinct camps. The first camp, which feels that the romantic subplots are, at worst, a complete non-issue, appear to be the vast majority. Then there is that second group who seemingly think that any hint of romance on Doctor Who will essentially turn their beloved science fiction show into DeGrassi with a time machine. While smaller, this second camp is easily the far more vocal group, expressing their outrage in various ways.

Well, that group will not find the latest statement from Peter Capaldi to be to their liking. While he said that a romantic storyline between the Twelfth Doctor and Clara should not happen, he called for a lot more kissing in Doctor Who going forward. Yes, the man playing one of the more sarcastic and cutting Doctors feels there should be more romance on Doctor Who.

Even though Capaldi has stated that the Doctor and Clara, at least while he is the Doctor, should not have a romantic relationship between themselves, that would not preclude the characters from finding their own separate love interests. Perhaps Clara would find another boyfriend, or the Doctor would be able to go back in time and rescue Danny Pink. Or, perhaps the Doctor and Missy can have yet another kissing scene. Just imagine the humor if the Doctor finds himself with a girlfriend with Clara still around.

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Of course, it may not just be that group who feels that romantic subplots have no place in Doctor Who that would complain. Last season earned complaints after the kiss between Madame Vastra and Jenny was aired, shocking he sensibilities of those who feel that lesbian relations between humans and lizards have no place on television. How, indeed, can we explain that scene to the children of the world, without bringing the apocalypse upon us all?

Perhaps, if Doctor Who wants to reintroduce Captain Jack at some point, this desired increase in romance would occur. As someone who is essentially attracted to everything, Captain Jack on his own would likely provide that increased kissing that Capaldi wants.

It could also be that this would help explain the return of River Song. She is the Doctor’s wife, after all. If anyone, aside from Missy, is likely to try kissing the Doctor, it would be her. Maybe this can be the time that their relationship has that romance one would hope a married couple that only sees one another in passing when their timelines cross would have.

Doctor Who with more romance. The reaction to that, given how some fans reacted to Clara and Danny, or Rose and the Tenth Doctor, would truly be interesting to see.

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