If you were to ask me to list my top five favorite shows of all time, The Wire would be in either the #1-A slot, or at the very least solidly at #2. It’s a rare occasion when such excellent storytelling comes together with phenomenal acting to produce such a quality show—people are still talking about the show six years after the 60th and final episode. It’s hard to say which actors from the amazing cast I enjoyed the most, but I can definitely say that Kima Greggs (Sonja Sohn) and Roland “Prez” Pryzbylewski (Jim True-Frost) were among my absolute favorites, which is why this latest commercial for HBO NOW caught my eye.
Okay, so you’ve got Kima and Prez on stakeout, listening to their wiretap, but Kima is paying attention to the corner boys, while Prez is clearly distracted by something else. What’s funny is Prez having trouble trying remember the names of all the players, who “all want to be king.” I could swear that’s a line directly from a season of The Wire, but it turns out he’s just watching Game of Thrones. The kicker comes when Prez says he recognizes someone, and when Kima has a look it’s Littlefinger, or as they know him, Mayor Thomas J. “Tommy” Carcetti.
Great commercial, HBO. I guess I know what I’ll be doing this weekend. Who’s up for a The Wire marathon?
Next: Emilia Clarke Rides Again In Navarra—Season 6 pics (SPOILERS!)