Doctor Who to Forgo Opening Credits and Theme


Even with all of the changes that occur on Doctor Who, there are certain aspects that we have come to rely upon. The TARDIS, no matter what the interior may look like, is still a blue telephone box. The opening credits, despite a few minor changes to the theme, are still the same. Well, aside from that one episode that featured Clara, and when peter Capaldi played the Doctor Who theme on his guitar.

However, the fact remains that the opening theme has always been there. That is, until tonight. This time, for the first time in the history of the program, that signature theme will not be there. Given that tonight’s episode, ‘Sleep No More,’ was filmed in the same sort of style that the Blair Witch Project had, putting the opening credits and theme simply would not make sense.

After leaving the opening credits, and the theme, essentially the same over the first fifty years of the show, one has to wonder if there may be wholesale changes on the horizon. The orchestral sounds, and the spinning TARDIS, are certainly recognizable the instant they appear on the television, but do they need to be modernized? These changes that have occurred over the past two seasons may be an indication of that.

Of course, it is difficult to change something so iconic. Doctor Who is a show steeped in history and tradition, with the opening theme and credits as a major part of that. However, these little changes, from Capaldi playing the opening tune on his guitar to simply not having the credits, may be laying the groundwork for some sort of different approach in the future.

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This certainly does make a modicum of sense on a theoretical basis. As Doctor Who has stepped into the modern era, changes must be made. We have seen that with the way that the episodes have been constructed and with the prevalence of the romantic subplots in the different seasons. These changes have certainly helped bring in a new generation of Whovians.

While the opening credits and the theme are not something that will necessarily draw in more viewers, an updated, more modern sound may help towards that goal of bringing in a younger crowd. We have already seen guest stars that have a great deal of popularity elsewhere, such as Maisie Williams and Corey Taylor. While they may not have been brought along to court a younger audience, they certainly help.

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Given enough time, everything changes. Why should the opening credits and theme to Doctor Who be any different?