Doctor Who: What Sort of Doctor Will Chibnall Choose?


Despite the excellence of Peter Capaldi as the Doctor, there are still those who struggle to accept him due to his age. With that being the case, should Doctor Who and Chris Chibnall look for a younger actor as the next Doctor?

Remember when, during ‘Deep Breath,’ the Doctor explained to Clara that he was not her boyfriend? That line, delivered in such a matter of fact fashion, was seemingly aimed directly at those who felt that Peter Capaldi was not the right fit for the role of the Doctor because he was “too old.” They had gotten used to the younger actors portraying the Time Lord, with David Tennant and Matt Smith helping to bring the show to a different demographic than had previously considered themselves as Whovians.

Now, we may find ourselves in another debate about what age the Doctor should be. Should Capaldi depart from Doctor Who along with Steven Moffat, Chris Chibnall will have the unenviable task of attempting to find the right actor to step into his vision of what the Doctor should be. Will this be a younger, more lighthearted Doctor in the mold of Smith? Or does Chibnall see a grittier, edgier Doctor like Capaldi, Eccleston, and even Tennant to a degree? (Tennant has an interesting way of straddling the divide.)

This is what Chibnall will be up against. While the newer fans may prefer a more youthful Doctor, the older incarnations touch upon the beginnings of the show, harkening back to the era of William Hartnell. Yet, there is a middle ground.

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Perhaps the safest age bracket for a new Doctor would be to find someone in their late thirties to early forties. The two most popular Doctors, Tom Baker and Tennant, both fit into that bracket, as have the majority of other actors who have taken on the role. In casting in that age group, this could keep from the Doctor feeling too youthful for the gravity needed, while appealing to that demographic who want a younger actor as the Doctor.

While casting the Doctor may not make or break Chibnall’s tenure as showrunner, this decision will color the perception of what his time on Doctor Who will be like. Bringing in an actor who resonates with the fanbase will certainly help as Chibnall looks to make his mark upon the program, and will go a long way towards making his vision of what the show should be like a reality.

Next: Doctor Who: On Writing for a Fan Site

Chris Chibnall may be walking a tightrope should he need to select a new Doctor to replace Peter Capaldi. This decision, should it happen, will hopefully bode well for his time as showrunner for Doctor Who.