Doctor Who: BBC to Re-Release Classic Novels


Doctor Who may not be on Netflix or Hulu any longer, but that does not mean that we cannot enjoy the adventures of the classic Doctors. In fact, seven classic Doctor Who novels are going to be re-released by the BBC.

In a world as rich and vast as the Whoniverse, and with a character that travels through time and space like the Doctor, there are a great many stories that could be told. Each incarnation on Doctor Who has had their travels which we have not seen on television, helping to shape the being they became. Fortunately, we have the novels, Big Finish and various graphic novels to help fill in the gaps between the adventures of our favorite Time Lord.

Unfortunately, when it comes to some of the tales of the classic Doctors, those novels may be difficult to locate. These beloved stories, printed decades ago, can be a bit of a challenge to find. We may be able to locate a synopsis, but that is not the same as reading the story outright and enjoying the action.

Fortunately, the BBC is going to help make some of these stories easier to acquire. Seven classic tales, one from each of the first seven Doctors, are slated to be re-released at the end of April. These stories will be available both digitally and in hardcover editions.

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Not only are these stories being re-released, but there will be an additional re-release on November 3rd. That day, the first three Doctor Who novels ever produced will be republished in facsimile editions, letting newer fans get a chance to read the early stories of the First Doctor. With the streaming options for the show no longer in place, this may be the best way to catch up with the classic Doctors short of the DVD releases.

With quite a bit of time between now and Series Ten, Whovians need something to whet their appetite for the show. As interesting as it may be to go back and watch previous seasons, eventually rehashing those episodes that were previously watched can get old quickly. These books, being re-released after quite a few years, will help get us all through this long year.

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Hopefully, in the coming months, more of these classic stories will get the same treatment. For now, getting one tale from each Doctor, as well as the first three Doctor Who novels, is a great start.