Doctor Who: The Lost Tales of the Last Centurion

Rory Williams had a great deal of potential during his run on Doctor Who, but instead, we were left with quite a few questions. For instance, what did Rory do during his two millennia as the Last Centurion?

The story of Rory Williams on Doctor Who seems to be sadly incomplete. We know of his lifelong infatuation with Amy, and of his different travels with her and the Doctor. We know that he died several times, almost becoming the show’s version of Kenny on South Park, before finally succumbing on a permanent basis in New York City after being sent back by the Weeping Angels. His bravery and loyalty were definitely unquestioned.

However, when it comes to what may be the most fascinating point of Rory’s life, or, well, the Auton Rory, we do not have much information. As the Last Centurion, we know that Rory protected the Pandorica holding Amy, becoming the subject of folk legends in several different cultures. We know that he moved the Pandorica during the bombings of London in World War II, protecting Amy once again. He was a security guard at the museum where the Pandorica was housed, right there when Amy was freed by her younger self.

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Although the Auton Rory was removed from history when the Pandorica was sent into the heart of the exploding TARDIS, allowing the mortal Rory to come back to life, the tales of the Last Centurion still fascinate. His actions, as he stood over the Pandorica, had inspired countless beings with his devotion and duty. But what were these stories, these legends that became interwoven into these different cultures?

Those missing tales make up a large part of the questions surrounding Rory. While it is easy to pretend that his Auton did not exist, the bravery and loyalty that his character developed truly stand out in the minds of fans. Rory had become far more than Mr. Pond; he was his own being, a strong character whose devotion had gone from a joke and something that Amy took for granted, into a true strength.

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Perhaps at some point, the lost tales of Doctor Who can be written. Should that happen, hopefully we can learn more about Auton Rory’s time as the Last Centurion.