Doctor Who Trailer Reminds Us of the Doctor’s Pain


Few events on Doctor Who are sadder than when a companion parts ways with the Doctor. When all of these exits are compiled into one video, it is even worse.

Eventually, everyone leaves the Doctor. Whether or not the decision is made by choice, or if these exits are forced for the safety of the companion, or even their death, they all leave. Sometimes, they can remember their times with the Doctor, other times they cannot. The Doctor, however, remembers them all.

If you ever wanted to know what those memories are like for the Doctor, well, you’re in luck. It turns out that a Doctor Who fan created a trailer showing those exits, from the time that Susan decided to remain behind with David Campbell to when Clara departed on her own TARDIS. All of the pain that the Doctor has been through, at least in some small part, is collected within that video.

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This video helps bring about a new understanding of what the Doctor goes through, and the almost constant pain that he is in. Even with his ability to travel throughout time and space, he cannot outrun these memories, nor is he able to go back to those moments of departure, changing these outcomes and allowing him to have some sort of happy ending.

The video also makes one wonder about closure for the Doctor. With that inability to go back, either through his own self-imposed refusal to go back to those painful moments or due to some sort of fixed point reasoning, the Doctor just does not seem to have gotten the closure he needs to truly move on.

Every so often, we can see those brooding moments of longing. The Tenth Doctor longed over Rose. It may be fair to say that the Eleventh Doctor, despite the fun he had with Clara, never quite got over the loss of Amy and Rory. Now, with this video, we may have a better understanding as to why.

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The Doctor had previously mentioned that he remembers all of his companions (aside from Clara, but she made that happen) so we know that they are never far from his mind. Now, with this trailer, we can better understand the pain he feels continually.