Candy on Doctor Who


In the following article, we will take a look at some notable examples of candy throughout the history of Doctor Who.

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Some of you may still be going through your Easter candy. If you have been overindulging since Sunday, you may feel as if you never want to even think about candy ever again, let alone eat another piece. But, let us talk about it anyway, shall we?

Over the course of the history of Doctor Who, candy has played a significant role. Of course, the most iconic candies in the history of the Whoniverse are jelly babies, which are known as a favorite of the Fourth Doctor, but first seen being eaten by the Second Doctor in the serial ‘The Dominators.’

Our next example is the classic Doctor Who monster, the Kandyman from the Seventh Doctor serial ‘The Happiness Patrol.’ When you think of a robot made of candy, your first instinct would most likely be to assume that it is cute and innocent. In this case, however, you would be quite wrong. The Kandyman is not only an executioner, but a psychopathic and sadistic one. It uses various types of candy in different gruesome ways to kill.

Kandyman in ‘The Happiness Patrol’ – credit:

One of our Facebook fans, Mike Daws, shared a picture of a handmade, edible model Kandyman that they had made. It is what inspired me to write this article.

Edible Candy Kandyman by Mike Daws – credit:

Speaking of Easter, the Tenth Doctor ate part of a chocolate Easter egg in the special episode ‘Planet of the Dead‘ before offering the rest to Christina de Souza.

the Tenth Doctor with a chocolate Easter egg in ‘Planet of the Dead’ – credit:

A funny little example worth mentioning is the Vator Verse company’s Starship UK sponsor McLintock’s Candy Burgers. It brings to mind some the gummy burgers that my kids had a while back.

Related Story: Food and Drink on Doctor Who

As a bonus, here is a candy Dalek, also made by Mike Daws.

Edible Candy Dalek by Mike Daws – credit:

(Article continues below the next post box.)

Next: Doctor Who: Queen Victoria and Clara Oswald

Can you think of any other examples of candy in the Whoniverse? What are your favorites? Let us know in the comments.