John Barrowman Falls, then Wows in Heels


We have all heard the saying that you cannot know someone until you walk in their shoes. Well, former Doctor Who and Torchwood star John Barrowman took that literally.

At times, it almost seems as though John Barrowman has managed to create a second career by embracing himself. He just genuinely enjoys his life and who he is, and it is a joy to see regardless of whether or not one is a fan of his work.

Of course, it also helps that Barrowman will laugh at himself when he realizes how ridiculous something is. One of those moments came when he joined ITV’s Loose Women. He had apparently been challenged to walk in their shoes, and fell out of his chair when he attempted to put his feet — clad in red stiletto heels — on the table.

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This wouldn’t be the first time that Barrowman has spent some time in heels. For just one example, during the 2014 North Carolina Comic Con, he was asked by a fan how to walk in high heels. When she returned the next day with the shoes, he obliged with a demonstration. Those heels were later autographed and sold at an auction to benefit the Sojourner Family Peace Center.

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It is not surprising that Barrowman would take these women literally and walk around in their shoes for a day. What is surprising is that he was unable to put his feet up on the table in those shoes without falling over. I mean, this is John Barrowman we’re talking about! You would think that it would be second nature. To be fair, though, even pros have their slip-ups now and then.

He did, however, later redeem himself while wearing black stilettos.

Next: The continuing saga of John Barrowman

It is certainly nice to see that Barrowman can still rock the runway in heels.