Doctor Who Spinoffs: A Look at the Meta-Crisis Doctor


Big Finish has done a great job of continuing the adventures of past Doctors in their Doctor Who audio dramas. Perhaps they could take a look at the possible adventures of the Meta-Crisis Doctor and Rose in their parallel universe.

The Meta-Crisis Doctor was one of the more interesting creations in Doctor Who. He was the result of the Tenth Doctor’s aborted regeneration, a half Time Lord, half human being who retained the memories of the Doctor but was unable to regenerate, making him mortal. He was brought to Rose in Pete’s World, where they would presumably be able to be together as a couple.

Yet, in this universe, there were possible issues. After all, this is where the Cybermen, created by Cybus Industries, had begun to run rampant. Ricky, Mickey Smith’s counterpart in this universe, was the head of a rebel group called The Preachers who were opposed to the Cybermen and Cybus Industries. It was certainly an interesting world that we only received a few brief glimpses of.

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While the Cybermen were stopped in that world, one has to imagine that the threats are not done. In fact, with Rose working for that universe’s version of Torchwood, one would have to imagine that the possible threats are still out there. As that universe did not have the Doctor before the appearance of the Meta-Crisis Doctor, there is quite the void to fill.

In fact, it would seem like there is quite the opportunity for the Doctor and Rose to continue their adventures, even if it is only on Earth. With that being the case, perhaps the best place to explore their adventures together would be on Big Finish as a new spinoff.

David Tennant has already reprised his role as the Tenth Doctor with Big Finish, making appearances with Donna Noble, so it may be relatively easy to talk him into doing the same as the Meta-Crisis Doctor. All that needs to happen is for Billie Piper to be on board, and we could get the chance to learn more about that universe and what the lives of the Meta-Crisis Doctor and Rose are like as they journey together.

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Big Finish fills a vital role in the Whoniverse by being able to produce those various spinoffs that the BBC just may not have the time to take care of. Perhaps taking a look at the Meta-Crisis Doctor and Rose in their own universe can be a future Doctor Who production.