Game of Thrones Episode 610: “The Winds of Winter” Trailer Breakdown

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The preparations in the red Keep for Cerseis trial. Here is the defendant, still wearing her mourning blacks.

Magaery is having her hair braided for the occasion…

…while Tommen is wearing the fanciest duds yet.

The High Sparrow, at the top of the steps, looks out over the proceedings in the Sept of Baelor.

Here’re the judges who will consider Cersei and Loras’ cases.

Loras still looks like he’d welcome death. Anytime now, really. Also, the High Sparrow cupping his chin is creepy.

This shot of the white raven has special meaning for book-readers. As we all know, black ravens are used to carry messages. But white ravens are only sent out of the Citadel to announce the turning of the seasons. This means that Winter has, finally, come.

Up in Winterfell, Jon and Sansa seem to be heaving a heart-to-heart over her booking Littlefinger for the war without consulting him.

I mean, she did save their lives and everything, so he’s going to let it go, but next time, maybe tell him? (Next time, maybe he’ll be smarter and listen?)

It seems the half-siblings are okay for the moment.

Next: Regards