Doctor Who: Doctors Love a Good Fez


When life imitates Doctor Who — there is a certain peculiar haberdashery penchant that the Doctor shares with another doctor who has recently been in the news.

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When one does an internet search, it is a common occurrence for irrelevant content to be included in the results. This is particularly true when searching for “Doctor Who.” Even using quotation marks in the search does not filter out very much, as it is still a common phrase. Usually, these extraneous results will come in the form of articles about doctors who have committed heinous acts, either of a medical nature, or otherwise.

Once in a while, there will be some sort of bizarre overlap between one of these otherwise unrelated articles and Doctor Who. Such is the case with the recent story regarding Dr. Harold Bornstein, who is known for his hastily written letter about Donald Trump’s health. Bornstein asserted that both the physical and mental health of the presidential candidate are not only “excellent,” but the best of any “individual ever elected to the presidency.”

You may be wondering what connects this doctor to the Doctor. Well, it is fashion, you see. Bornstein has a bit of an eccentric fashion sense, and is known to have worn a fez, as can be seen below.

Dr. Harold Bornstein in a fez (credit: Dr. Harold Bornstein)

Various Doctors of the Time Lord variety have been known to don a fez, most iconically the Eleventh. He wore one in the episodes ‘The Big Bang,’ ‘A Christmas Carol,’ ‘The Impossible Astronaut,’ ‘The Bells of Saint John,’ and ‘The Day of the Doctor.‘ The first Doctor to be seen wearing one was the Seventh in ‘Silver Nemesis.’ The Tenth took a brief turn wearing the Eleventh’s in ‘The Day of the Doctor.’

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Next: Should the Beginning of the Universe be Seen on Doctor Who?

Perhaps the Doctor could use Dr. Harold Bornstein as one of his aliases from now on.