Doctor Who: Harold Saxon Would Fit Right in the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election

As many Americans range between apathetic toward and disgusted by their two main choices for President in 2016, they yearn for a candidate with integrity and a strong presence. Fortunately, Doctor Who may have an answer.

(Since it apparently needs to be said, this post is satirical.)

As occurs every four years here Stateside, we are in the midst of another Presidential election period. However, this time, there is a great deal of apathy and concern amongst the populous. For, in this case, the major party candidates who have been set before us are considered untrustworthy at best, and outright odious at worst.

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Yet, someone needs to be elected to run the country for the next four years. As much as the majority of voters may detest the candidates, someone has to be given the reigns. If only there was some way in which a trustworthy, competent politician could appear, ready to save the country from the brink of being torn apart from within.

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Fortunately, Doctor Who may have a solution for us. While the Doctor has done a brilliant job serving as the President of the World in times of crisis, we need a person of fine moral standing and dedicated to the U.S. Someone who has the best interests of everyone at heart(s). What we need is someone like Harold Saxon.

Now, I understand the arguments. First, Saxon is considered to be British, which would take him out of consideration over here. And second, well, he was actually the Master, who is not human, so he really would not be qualified to be the main leader of any of Earth’s nations. But hey, humanity would have to be aware of these things for them to be problems. The Master, now Missy, is a Time Lord, after all — one who has proven that we are easily fooled. She could go back in time, make herself into an American human, and begin her disguise as a public servant in the States instead. Maybe outside of London, she would more easily escape the attention of the Doctor.

Related Story: Doctor Who: Presidents

And yes, the Master lied to try to enslave the world, bending it to his will to its great detriment. But is that really so far outside of what has been going on in United States politics lately? If anything, Saxon, or someone quite like him, would fit in perfectly.

(Article continues below the next post link.)

Next: Go Up Against Weeping Angels in the Doctor Who: Don’t Blink! Mini-Game

Let’s get a candidate whom we can all rally behind. The Master for President in 2016! We may not get a leader with integrity with such a vote, but we’ll at least get one with loads of charisma.