The New Doctor Theories are in! And No One Wants a White Dude


A New Doctor is coming. The Doctor is important to Doctor Who. He runs the show and without him, we’d have no adventures. So who do we want?

There is a new Doctor coming. When it comes to who plays the Doctor, you have to pick an actor that fans can get behind. And from all the theories and suggestions that are floating around out there, no one wants a white man.

For the last fifty plus years, the main actor has always been a man and he’s always been white. And to be quite honest, we’re all tired of it. The Doctor is someone we are supposed to root for and get behind but after a while, the same kind of actors playing him can get a little boring.

Here’s the thing: they gave the Doctor the ability to regenerate. So then why limit ourselves to making the Doctor only white men? Women, people of color, even a dog could end up playing the role and it would fit within the realm of the show.

And while most white men are behind the idea of changing it up, there are the few who fight it. They say that we just want roles taken from them. Apologies to you and your idea that you are suffering but really, there is no reason the Doctor cannot be a woman.

If the Master can become Missy, the Doctor can surely be a woman. Come on, Chris Chibnall. Give the people what they want!

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So what we hope is that the Doctor is taken over my a woman or a man of color, just please don’t give us another white man. None of us can handle that.