Doctor Who Empress of Mars recap: a treat for Classic Who fans


Empress of Mars told the story of the Ice Warriors and humans working together. How did it come together in the end?

With the Monk arc ending and the season ender upon us, these two episodes stuck in the middle have a hard job: sticking out between two hyped stories. Empress of Mars did everything it needed to do to be a solid episode, with a few surprises thrown in. This is a great episode, especially for Classic Who fans, but for anyone who has been following the season.

The episode begins in present day, as an American space program is looking at Mars to try to see what’s under the ice caps. Underneath? God save the queen. Quickly, Bill, Nardole, and the Doctor jump in the Tardis and head to Victorian times where they meet a military group that has claimed Mars for the British Empire.

As a whole, this was a solid episode about Ice Warriors and a good example of what the Doctor is about – bringing peace. Throughout the Doctor’s history with the Ice Warriors, he’s found them to be a peaceful race, but in this episode, they are thought to be the villain – sort of. The British came and claimed Mars, but found Friday, the last Ice Warrior. They’ve put him to work as their servant. Using a laser, they come across a carpophagous of what is another Ice Warrior but turns out to be an entrance to a hive of more.

The Empress comes out, and while the Doctor tries to organize peace between the two races, the military is quick to act, almost causing a war. In the end, war is narrowly avoided by a human who ironically had a botched hanging for desertion.

For Classic Who fans, there was also a treat placed in the end. Alpha Centauri, a character strictly from the classic episodes makes an appearance. Best part? She’s been voiced by the same actress all three times she’s appeared on the show in the 50+ years it’s been on.

Gatiss was also quick to surprise us with Nardole’s story line. Nardole gets stuck on Earth, and in going to Missy for help, she asks to just do it. We don’t know what happens, but the face when we see when going inside the TARDIS. Missy, outside the vault, steering the TARDIS.

A. . Doctor Who. S10E9. Empress of Mars

Next: Russell T. Davies knows who the 13th Doctor is

How do you think this will affect Missy? Did you enjoy the Empress of Mars? Our review is coming up today as well!