Doctor Who TV: Ratings from Empress of Mars


We’ve talked a lot these past few days about what Empress of Mars brought to the table. Great writing, great characters, great content. Let’s see if the ratings agreed with us.

According to Doctor Who TV, they have the final ratings in for The Lie of the Land and the newest ratings in for Empress of Mars.  Let’s see how they figure into this season.

Quick Guide

(O) Overnight TV: ratings only include episodes watched live and or recorded and watched later that night.

(AI) Audience Appreciation Index is a score out of 100 which is used as an indicator of the public’s appreciation for a show. Over 90 = exceptional, 85+ =  excellent, 60 or less = poor, and >55 is very poor.

2017 Ratings

Right now, we’re going to look strictly at the overnight ratings, since the rest of the types aren’t in yet for Empress. 3.58 might look shaky, but it’s a marked increase from Lie of the Land by almost half a million. It also had a higher audience appreciation score, making it closer to excellent.

So even though not all the information is in yet, I would call that good for the episode.

As for the lie of The Lie of the Land, the added numbers make it 7.82m, but is still a marked decrease from the other episodes this season. Other episodes with added numbers from throughout the week got up to 10m.


The reason that The Lie of the Land is shaky is that it came at the end of the arc when there were too many doubts in people’s head. Depending on people’s opinion it could be called the weakest episode in the arc, people were probably wanting to move on.

Empress of Mars being up by .5 million is also a sign that people wanted a different kind of episode. So maybe three part episodes aren’t the best way to go?

Next: Monk Arc ratings