The Doctor Falls trailer is here…we took a look at it screenshot by screenshot!
We’ve all spent most of the week most likely watching the Doctor Falls teaser over…and over…and over. But let’s stop and pause. Literally. We’re going to go through the final teaser for this season screenshot by screenshot and catch anything we can to give us clues.
No matter how long it takes us, we’ll screenshot every scene from both teaser trailers out there, that way, nothing’s missed.
Here’s the teaser in full if you wanted to watch before we break it down for you all. This will be a long post but stay with us.
The teaser begins with the two Masters and the Doctor seeming to fight on the same side, against the Cybermen. This is a little confusing, but maybe Simm’s Master comes around?
Oh look! The Sonic’s back! Unless that’s the marker. In that case, we’re out of luck.
The bombs that take out a group of Cybermen. These could be used by the Doctor, or Hazran. Bombs don’t seem to be The Doctor’s style though, do they?
Sorry, I just had to include this picture of John Simm looking very serious.
Nardole is always able to multi-task. If I had to count anyone as safe throughout this entire process, it would be Nardole.
Samantha Spiro as Hazran. This is the first look we get of her, but from what we know about her character, she seems to be the heroine of the episode.
Hmm…you all saw that first picture, right?
This is interesting. It looks like the Genesis of Cybermen doesn’t just include the Mondasian Cybermen, but Cybermen of all different evolutions. We definitely have an invasion on our hands. With the Masters there too, it’s gonna be a lot of running for the Doctor.
Hazran being heroic. Despite the fact that we all wanted her to be Susan, it looks like she’s not going to disappoint.
The Doctor and Nardole are all that’s left…
Is this a girl in the village? A potential Cyberman?
NO NO NO NO! It’s not time yet! Don’t regenerate yet!!
“Stand with me, it’s all I’ve ever wanted.”
Twissy fans are going insane.
Missy’s reaction is our reaction.
That was the first teaser that BBC put out. They did put out a second one, but it’s mostly the same, with a few added scenes. Once we have more to give you, we’ll go over that one as well.
Next: Recap: World Enough and Time