Jon Snow


Jon is the first and only son of Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen, but is widely believed to be the natural-born son of Eddard Stark and an unknown woman. Jon grew up at Winterfell believing that Robb, Sansa, Arya, Brandon and Rickon Stark were his half-siblings, and was despised by Lord Eddard’s wife, Catelyn. He joined the Night’s Watch in season 1, feeling that he had no future as a member of the Stark household.

As a result of his bravery, dedication and skills as both a leader and a warrior, Jon quickly rose through the ranks of the Night’s Watch, and was named its 998th Lord Commander by his brothers, replacing the murdered Jeor Mormont. However, when he called a truce with the wildlings and allowed them to pass through the Wall, he was murdered by a group of rebellious brothers headed by Ser Alliser Thorne.

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Resurrected at the hand of Melisandre and having taken Winterfell from Ramsay Bolton following the Battle of the Bastards, Jon has now been named King in the North by his fellow Northerners. This places him in a perilous position, as not only are the White Walkers approaching, but Cersei Lannister is now queen of the Seven Kingdoms and is still very much set on punishing Sansa Stark for the murder of her son Joffrey. Jon also has to contend with the demands of his Northern followers, the machinations of the scheming Petyr Baelish, and with Sansa herself, who seems unhappy to have been denied credit for her pivotal role in the Stark victory. Jon is not well versed in the political sphere, so he could have some challenges ahead.

As Daenerys Targaryen approaches Westeros, she brings with her a sizable army and three monstrous dragons. Such assets would be very beneficial in the impending war against the Night King. It’s possible that Jon may seek to form an alliance with Daenerys to increase his chances of survival.